Upgrade from to V 3.4.27 to version ??
Added by Paul Farquhar almost 10 years ago
Hi folks,
I need our advice, I am having issues with 3.4.27 and thinking about going to the latest best version.
My hope is my problems will be solved in alter versions.
I have some questions:
- what version do you recommend?
- what version do I get from beta?
- can I import my current finished recordings - or would a new installation automatically show them? (I am using the Matroska container)
Replies (3)
RE: Upgrade from to V 3.4.27 to version ??
Added by Prof Yaffle almost 10 years ago
Truth is that you have a simple choice:
1. Whatever is in the 'unstable' repo at the moment, which changes regularly
2. You build it yourself to a specific version
Whether either results in a truly stable build depends to a great extent on what you're using it for... if you never use a function that relies on newer or less-tested code, then you're less likely to have a problem. If you're using CWC, SAT>IP or something more 'unusual' then you're more likely to find an issue (and thus help debug and solve it, of course).
I have a simple multi-tuner, FTA-only, DVB-S-and-T setup, and I find that 3.9.2513~g1d8b541 on 'buntu x86_64 14.04 is rock-solid for me.
I believe the 'beta' repo is 3.5.something, so newer than the 'stable' 3.4.x but still ancient.
Migrating to 3.9.x means a certain degree of reconfiguration because of how the adapter-to-network-to-mux-to-services code has changed. I believe that your current recording list will survive the upgrade, but TBH it's so long since I did it I really can't remember - plus it's no big deal to me to lose that list, as I can always navigate to the files via a Kodi 'files' source and play them that way.
RE: Upgrade from to V 3.4.27 to version ??
Added by Paul Farquhar almost 10 years ago
Thanks four you help - I did upgrade to the latest version, but the problems persist.
I'll write a new post, again asking for help.
RE: Upgrade from to V 3.4.27 to version ??
Added by Nathan Fieldhouse almost 10 years ago
It is a good question as Kodi does not play nice with 3.4, the BETA is really old and the unstable repo is changeing constantly sometimes breaking. It would be good to see 3.9 feature freeze and then end up in BETA status so users dont have TVHeadend contantly updating - sometimes breaking their system and those on the bleeding egde would still have the unstable repo. That being said it is awesome the amount of work over the past year since the license change and massive code change.