


Timeshift not working

Added by Ralf Brinkmann about 10 years ago

I have setup tvheadend 3.9.2342, and tried to use the timeshift function.
At Configuraion - Recording - Timeshift
Enabled yes
On- Demand yes
Storage path /media/Aufnahmen/Timeshift

The path exists, has enough space und all rights.
In the storage path there is a folder called "buffer".

When I push the pause at TV a stream, the picture gets frozen. If I press within app. 10 sec. the play button, everything works as
If I wait longer, the playback starts for some seconds, gets frozen and nothing else happens. I only can stop, choose the channel again
to get a life stream.

In the log (on the web front end) i see nothing.

How can I find out, why the timeshift is not working?

Replies (15)

RE: Timeshift not working - Added by Prof Yaffle about 10 years ago

Assuming you're using Kodi as the front end, make sure you're using the latest version of the addon (pvr.tvh versus the default pvr.hts). It's a re-write with much better timeshift support.

RE: Timeshift not working - Added by Ralf Brinkmann about 10 years ago

Yes, Kodi 14.0 on a FireTV.
I use the client tvheadend HTSP Client Version 1.9.39.
Is this the correct one?
How can i get another one on to the FireTV?

RE: Timeshift not working - Added by Prof Yaffle about 10 years ago

Probably worth looking at this thread:

Plus negge has an Android build (presumably the latest, it's only 6 days old) here:

RE: Timeshift not working - Added by Ralf Brinkmann about 10 years ago

Ok, I got it installed and it is working. Thank you!

But the timeshift is the same problem. I also have the tvheadend app an my iPad Air.
The problem there is the same, so I assume it must have something to do with the tvheadend server.

RE: Timeshift not working - Added by Prof Yaffle about 10 years ago

Then I need to bow out at this point, I'm afraid. I suspect you'll need to switch debugging on on tvheadend, and/or trace a specific module to get more information on where things are going wrong.

Might be worth popping over to #hts on IRC - you want to get hold of negge as he knows more about this than anyone, and a combination of him and perexg would almost certainly find the problem.

RE: Timeshift not working - Added by Ralf Brinkmann about 10 years ago

I never did it before - i give it a try.
Thank you

RE: Timeshift not working - Added by Ralf Brinkmann about 10 years ago

i have had a brief kontakt and I was asked to post a log.

But no idea. May be somebody can see where the problem might be?

RE: Timeshift not working - Added by Graham H about 10 years ago

Ralf Brinkmann wrote:

When I push the pause at TV a stream, the picture gets frozen. If I press within app. 10 sec. the play button, everything works as
If I wait longer, the playback starts for some seconds, gets frozen and nothing else happens. I only can stop, choose the channel again
to get a life stream.

Exactly the same here. 3.9.2375 with Kodi 14 with either tvh client. Nothing is written to buffer. On-demand or not.

RE: Timeshift not working - Added by Ralf Brinkmann about 10 years ago

I have also tried to point the timeshift path to the /home/hts directory. But no success.
The rights are ok.
If the timeshift is not longer than 10 seconds, it works......

RE: Timeshift not working - Added by D Trepmag about 10 years ago

I'm running 3.9.2509 and facing this issue with the following details:
- When the first video is played, after tvheadend started, the timeshift seems to work (I can see on the filesystem that .hts/tvheadend/timeshift/buffer/ get filled)
- Subsequent video plays, timeshift doesn't work and the filesystem at .hts/tvheadend/timeshift/buffer/ is kept empty.

Here a some logs but I don't get much record with the 'timeshift' string:

Feb 21 14:27:38 sintro tvheadend[13752]: timeshift: ts 0 remove /home/cgampert/.hts/tvheadend/timeshift/buffer/0/tvh-39971
Feb 21 14:27:56 sintro tvheadend[13752]: htsp: using timeshift buffer (60 mins)

I use the -s debug switch.

RE: Timeshift not working - Added by steve parry almost 10 years ago

I'm getting the same issue with 3.9.2513

When I pause the stream in Kodi anf then click play. It stops playback after the amount of seconds I paused for.

No data is written the timeshift folder

RE: Timeshift not working - Added by Mann Drake almost 10 years ago

Exactly the same issue here, freezing after a 10-20s (it seems to be the same time I have paused the stream). Nothing is writtend in the timeshift folder..
A bit disappointed since everything else is working like a charm on a RPi2 (Openelec 5.0.5/Kodi 14.2, LeadTek Dual Tuner USB).
TVheadend version is 3.9.2496~gd386ed0.
Thanks for the issue raised Steve.

RE: Timeshift not working - Added by Gyuri Vajda about 9 years ago

Hi All,

I see this is an old topic, but I have the same problem with Rpi2 Openelec6 and TVH 4.0.8 wheezy on a BananaPI. I'd like to use timeshifting only on demand.

I checked the permissions of the buffer folder and of its subfolders, and all are 600.

If I change it to 775, then problem disappears, everything became ok. But as I restart the TVH server (or maybe after a while it happens without restarting) the buffer folder disappears, and will be recreated by TVH when I start another timeshift on-demand. In this case the re-created folders will have 600 permission again.

My question is: How can I force TVH to create timeshift buffer (and sub) folders with 775?
(the settings on tab "Digital Video Recorder Profiles" is not applied on timeshift folder)


RE: Timeshift not working - Added by Gyuri Vajda about 9 years ago

I've tried two things, one of them solved my problem:
- updating to 4.0.8-3~gc870eb9~wheezy
- chmod g+s /mnt/1/Timeshift

Since then the re-created buffer folder has permission 700 (and not 600), and the timeshifting is working.
