transcoding in 3.9 / builds in repository / ubuntu 14.04
Added by Josef Aschauer about 10 years ago
there are several things I wasn't able to figure out.
- whenever I install tvheadend through aptitude, I get a version with trancoding disabled (but have read that this should be enabled for the current builds)
- whenever I build it by myself (last tried yesterday 3.9.2331) with ffmpeg_static=yes, trancoding works ONLY with webtv_vb8_vorbis_wbem. Any other profile
throws an unknown error
- whenever I click configuration - channel EPG - Channel - play, every browser I try starts to download the stream instead of just playing it. Tried this
in windows and OSX using mozilla, IE and Safari. vlc simply doesn't open.
Any help on these issues in that fantasic bit of software is very appreciated!
Replies (1)
RE: transcoding in 3.9 / builds in repository / ubuntu 14.04
Added by Josef Aschauer about 10 years ago
nobody? come on...