


How to set up transcoding

Added by Raymond Paulsen about 10 years ago

Iam trying to set up transcoding for my handheld devices. Its not going so good i think.

iam using the wheezy build ready made by the apt repository. I understand that transcoding is enabled here.

so how do you enable transcoding? Stream filters have no settings regarding transcoding only to include exclude parts in the transport stream.

Stream profiles; has no settings regarding transcoding.
video stream filter; has no settings regarding transcoding either.

My mission is to reduce the resolution i find it impossible to do it in those 2 places.
What am i missing here?

Can someone provide some example on how to enable the transcoding for a specific user in tvheadend.
this user is using tvh-guide app on android.


Replies (6)

RE: How to set up transcoding - Added by Prof Yaffle about 10 years ago

If you don't have profiles defined with names like webtv-h264-aac-matroska and webtv-vp8-vorbis-webm then it sounds like your deb hasn't been built with transcoding enabled. You're right, the PPA version should have it enabled, but let me see if I can check that somehow...

RE: How to set up transcoding - Added by Raymond Paulsen about 10 years ago

It seems that the wheezy build was not compiled with transcoding enabled.

RE: How to set up transcoding - Added by K Shea about 10 years ago

I see you filed a bug report at but it might get more attention if you gave it a more meaningful title, such as "Please enable transcoding support in Debian Wheezy builds". In the meantime I added I comment that (I think) clarifies what it is you are asking for. I would like to see this as well, so I hope the developers act on it, but in the meantime you might want to consider editing the issue title if the issues system will allow you to do that.

RE: How to set up transcoding - Added by Raymond Paulsen about 10 years ago

No i dont think that changes anything as transcoding IS supposed to be enabled already in wheezy build.

the problem is, why is not transcoding enabled in wheezy builds eventhoug the build parameters indicate it is?
So its a error not a feature request.

RE: How to set up transcoding - Added by Prof Yaffle about 10 years ago

I don't know what's genuinely different about the Debian builds versus the Ubuntu ones - or, indeed, how any of the Ubuntu ones really differ from each other. When you build it yourself, it's ultimately the same target script, albeit that it may pull in libraries from your source system as it goes (e.g. whatever debhelper needs), but that's a different matter.

Have you tried one of the Ubuntu debs? Would you be prepared to (take a good backup first)? I'm going to build a couple of versions in the next day or so for someone on a different thread, I'll share them here as well if you want to try. I don't have a Debian system, however, and genuinely have no idea if there are any implications of trying them.

I haven't been able to establish why the PPA versions don't have it enabled, they're supposed to. Maybe pop over to #hts on Freenode and see if anyone has a 'real' Debian system and can comment.

RE: How to set up transcoding - Added by Prof Yaffle about 10 years ago

Right, this could be an amazingly dumb thing for all involved, or it could be a genius idea. Who knows - I certainly don't claim to :)

Various builds are available on the following link... all should have transcoding enabled. I just built the first (gc053acd-1987) and last (gd4fed88-2245) and checked them, and they have the profiles there - or, at least, they do on my config. I'm assuming the other builds do, but they were lying around on my system so I threw them in for fun as you may need to try a few versions to find something that's stable for you. I used gc053acd-1987 until today as I found it very stable; gd4fed88-2245 was a git update as of an hour or so ago.

Most are 64-bit Ubuntu (precise_amd64.deb) builds; there are a could of Debian builds as well as best I could (no 'precise' prefix). I tried building 32-bit but they failed for some reason: I expect I should have cleaned out my build directory first, but we can come back to that if necessary.

See what you think.
