


Enable/Disable adapter through bash command

Added by C E over 10 years ago


tvheadend is working great on my raspberry pi as server and xbmc-headend plugin and vlc-htsp plugin as clients on my mac.

An anoying thing is the high frequent noise of the opera dvb-s1 usb adapter I use.
When in idle-mode it's quit, but every few seconds it wakes up an does this high frequent noise again.
The only way to solve this is to disable the adapter.

Going to enable/disable the adapter trough the tvheadend webinterface isn't very handy.
Is there a way to enable/disable the adapter from commandline? If so, I could send the command through ssh.


Replies (2)

RE: Enable/Disable adapter through bash command - Added by Gary Brown over 10 years ago

try upgrading thvheadend to the master version and enabling "Power save" in the adapters basic settings. see if this helps, if not it may be wise to fill in an issue.
