


No web interface

Added by David Hewings about 12 years ago


Have just done a clean install of lubuntu and tvheadend from git, and for some reason (which I am sure someone else will point straight out to me), I have no web interface.

It asks me to log in, and appears to authenticate, but displays only a blank screen.

Anyone have any suggestions please?

(Clean install to try and fix other problems and hopefully not create more!!!)


Replies (3)

RE: No web interface - Added by Adam Sutton about 12 years ago

There is a bug in master, try the release/3.4 branch. Will push the fix tomorrow.


RE: No web interface - Added by David Hewings about 12 years ago

Thanks Adam

Have now done that and I have a web interface

Quick question, if I may ask.

I backed up my tvheadend folder from ~/.hts

I have now copied it back and chmod'd it to 777, but tvheadend does not appear to use/see the data

Is there anything else I have to do?


RE: No web interface - Added by Adam Sutton about 12 years ago

When you copied the stuff did you change its ownership? And is that chmod recursive?

try this (assuming you need sudo):

sudo chown -R hts:hts ~hts/.hts
sudo find ~hts/.hts -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
sudo find ~hts/.hts -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

// Note: change accordingly to correct user id

That should set the correct permissions.

