


has anyone had success with openmax il as codec profile (not mpegts/spawn) in tvh 4.3 on raspberry pi 3b+?

Added by sean m about 6 years ago

has anyone had success with openmax il as codec profile (not mpegts/spawn) in tvh 4.3 on raspberry pi 3b+? i am not 100% sure about setup and cannot found docs on it.

i have verified that hardware acceleration works with ffmpeg h264_omx - mpegts/spawn. but the issue is while i can play this stream with vlc (h264/adts), web browsers do not recognize it as mp4 even with mime type set video/mp4

anyone have any insight? how do i get a web browser like firefox to play a h264 stream that has been encoded by either openmaxil codec or ffmpeg h264_omx? i do not care which way, as long as it works.

let me clarify

stream profile with mp4/avlib container and openmaxil video codec

when i point at (library name in expert settings) i get the following error
AVCodecContext: OMX_GetHandle(OMX.broadcom.video_encode) failed: 80001005

when i point at (library name in expert settings) i get the following error
AVCodecContext: OMX_GetHandle(OMX.broadcom.video_encode) failed: 80001003

library prefix - empty

Replies (1)

RE: has anyone had success with openmax il as codec profile (not mpegts/spawn) in tvh 4.3 on raspberry pi 3b+? - Added by Jay O almost 3 years ago

Sorry to bump this very old post, but it's the top result when someone searches Google for "OMX error 80001005 tvheadend", so hopefully I'm helping someone with this reply.

The solution I've found for the "libav: AVCodecContext: OMX_GetHandle(OMX.broadcom.video_encode) failed: 80001005" error on Rpi3B+ and Rpi4 is to set the Bitrate (kb/s) to something other than 0 in the h264-omx codec profile (eg I set it to 800). Seems the HW encoder doesn't like getting 0 as bitrate. I also set the "Hardware acceleration" for decoding checkbox.
