


Setting priority of one DVB input over another (some channels merged)

Added by Martin Underwood about 6 years ago


I am running TVH 4.2.6-34 on a Raspberry Pi 3B+.

I have two DVB decoders: a PCTV 292e which can do DVB-T and DVB-T2, and a Hauppauge Nova-T which can only do DVB-T. Both are connected to the same aerial, so the latter sees a subset of the channels that the former can see.

I set up the 292e first, scanned for services and mapped the services to channels.

I then went through the same process for the Hauppauge, creating a separate network, scanned it for services on the same multiplexes. Obviously it failed to find any channels for the DVB-T2 muxes, and found an identical set of channels for the DVB-T muxes.

I chose the option on Config | Channel/EPG | Map Services to Merge Same Name. And I can see that for each channel it is either associated with just the 292e (if it's on a DVB-T2 mux) or else associated with both devices (if it's on a DVB-T mux).


How do I set the order of precedence so TVH always tries to use the DVB-T only input first, so as to maximise the chance that the other input will be available for a T2 recording?

If I set a T2 recording first (from the EPG) and then set an overlapping recording from a different T mux, both record as planned.

However if I set the T recording first, and then set the T2 recording, the latter fails with "waiting for stream".

Evidently TVH is trying to use the T2-capable input in preference to the T-only input, even for a channel on a T mux, which means that the T2 decoder is not available when it is really needed.

If I could reverse the order of preference then it wouldn't matter what order I set the two recordings - as long as I didn't try to set overlapping recordings from two different T2 muxes: only T and T or T2 and T. (I've been through exactly this issue when I set up NextPVR on a Windows PC, but NextPVR has a simple way of setting order of precedence for devices.)

I can't see anything in the Tutorials and Setups or in the documents.

I want to make a blanket change for all channels, and not have to got through all DVB-T channels making the same setting to say "use T decoder in preference to T2 decoder" for each channel.

Replies (2)

RE: Setting priority of one DVB input over another (some channels merged) - Added by Dave Pickles about 6 years ago

In Configuration -> DVB Inputs -> TV Adaptors there is a 'Priority' setting which can be applied to individual tuners, so in theory setting a higher priority to your DVB-T tuner should achieve what you want. However I've never tried more than one tuner on a TVH instance so don't know whether it would work.

Also I'm running a recent 4.3 version so yours may not have the same setting.

RE: Setting priority of one DVB input over another (some channels merged) - Added by Martin Underwood about 6 years ago

Yes, that works perfectly on 4.2.x. Set more preferred input to priority 2, and less preferred one to 1. Added a recording on a DVB-T channel, then one on a DVB-T2 channel. Both recordings succeeded because the DVB-T-only adaptor was used in preference, leaving the T2 adaptor for the HD channel that I added second after the first had started recording.

Job done! Thanks!
