


record on an external hard drive

Added by Phil Gau over 6 years ago

How to set Tvheadend to record on an external hard drive?

Replies (1)

RE: record on an external hard drive - Added by Robert Cameron over 6 years ago

Make sure the external drive is mounted, has a stable/consistent path location, and that the system user that Tvheadend runs as has read/write permissions. Then you just need to set the recording (and optionally, timeshift buffer) location to the path pointed to that was set up when you mounted the drive.

For instance, I store my recordings on an NFS mount (which handled in essentially the same manner as an external drive). In my fstab, I have a line such as:  /media/tv  nfs  auto,x-systemd.automount  0 0

So, I am mounting the exported NFS share /volume/hts to the local path /media/tv where it will be seen by Tvheadend. You may want to add the nofail (and optionally, x-systemd.device-timeout=90) option to the fstab so that booting isn't halted by the drive not be connected or fully powered up at boot time.

Then, you'll change the patch in your recording profile to be a directory in the mounted path. For example, my recording profile is set to /media/tv/recorded, and my timeshift buffer is set to /media/tv/live, both directories which are below the NFS mount-point.
