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Tutuorial for setting up iptv with Anysee N7
Added by Dolf Janssen almost 13 years ago
Could somebody please explain or even better, write a short tutorial with screenshots how to setup the following:
- IPTV in TVHeadend. I read a lot of topics on this, but can't get iptv to work with an anysee N7 tuner. It works fine in VLC and even in Mediaportal TV Server, but not in TVHeadend. The .m3u file looks like this:
- The Anysee N7 unit is streaming Unicast to the an ip-address on which TVHeadend is running
If this works in TVHeadend I think it's a fantastic way to use a TV Tuner as there is:
- no need for PCI slots in your HTPC
- no need for additional drivers etc on your HTPC
- no need for smartcard readers and CW sharing solutions
Can somebosy please have a look at this and perhaps already explain how this should be setup in TVHeadend? Thx
Replies (6)
RE: Tutuorial for setting up iptv with Anysee N7 - Added by Nicku Plusovich over 12 years ago
i have the same problem, seems tvheadend don't support HTTPs streams
RE: Tutuorial for setting up iptv with Anysee N7 - Added by R S over 12 years ago
I have the same problem, has any progress been made on this or has anybody found how to make the Anysee N7 work with TV Headend ? I fully agree with Dolf this would be a great solution.
RE: Tutuorial for setting up iptv with Anysee N7 - Added by Cor Jabel about 12 years ago
If the Anysee N7 will be working together with TVHeadend it would be a wonderfull solution
RE: Tutuorial for setting up iptv with Anysee N7 - Added by Njoy Digital about 12 years ago
N7 can stream unicast , multicast and tcp. On the N7 part, there is no issue. Channels are available by M3U or by xml / rss. ( n7channel.xml )
and the rss contains the zap url, channel name and a link to the channel logo. There is also an EPG rss available that helds epg from the current channel ,
and the signal Q and S of the channel.
It must be do-able but need some help from the TV headend specialists
RE: Tutuorial for setting up iptv with Anysee N7 - Added by Njoy Digital about 12 years ago
Channel RSS :
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<title>4. RTL4 HD</title>
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<title>5. RTL5 HD</title>
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<length units="minutes">30</length>
RE: Tutuorial for setting up iptv with Anysee N7 - Added by Cor Jabel over 11 years ago
No news till now on?