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HW accelerated transcoding
Added by Thomas Ringler almost 10 years ago
I'm currently try to stream my tvheadend content via Internet. Due to my limited upstream (10MBit/s) I'm looking for a possibility to transcode down the HD content a bit with my Banana Pi. If I use the built-in 3.9.2796 transcoding (3.9.2796) the CPU is completely busy and the stream stops/is artifacted.
Any possibility to use i.e. in a proper way to use hardware encoding? What are your strategies to transcode via Raspberry Pi or Banana Pi?
Thanks in Advance, Thomas
Replies (4)
RE: HW accelerated transcoding
Added by Gary Brown almost 10 years ago
without looking into the code a quick answer is yes but it's outside the scope of the main development since it is unique to these devices, I can say that if you code this in and make it an option during compilation then there is no reason why it will not get accepted into the master branch.
RE: HW accelerated transcoding
Added by Thomas Ringler almost 10 years ago
Any hints for implementation? CedarX?
RE: HW accelerated transcoding
Added by Gary Brown almost 10 years ago
I would guess it would go somewhere in the streaming profiles section. best bet is to get on the irc channel as the devs hang out there more than here.
RE: HW accelerated transcoding
Added by Thomas Ringler almost 10 years ago
Do I understand correctly that this ( should cover my demand if I use for i.e.