Bug #6197
[WARNING] mpegts: too much queued table input data (over 2MB) for SAT>IP DVB-S Tuner, discarding new
I'm running TVH successfully over years in Docker (linuxserver/tvheadend) on Qnap. While lagging behind the most recent version, I built a new container with 4.3-2029~g1fa49afbc and started it with my current state stored on my Qnap share (/config) after a while TVH stopped working (all Kodi(s) complaining) with above TVH warning utilizing significant amounts RAM. Realizing when rolling back to my previous containewr with version 4.3-2008~ge2ae8f4eb this resolves the problem! I tried several later TVH versions in between, still with the same fatal result. So now sticking with 4.3-2008~ge2ae8f4eb until the issue is resolved.
THX for any help!
Hopefully this isnt a Linuxserver.io Container issue...
Updated by Flole Systems about 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Invalid
Can't reproduce and no debug log provided.