


Bug #6196

Tvheaden 4.3 no root/sudo rights Ubuntu/Debian

Added by Philipp S over 2 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

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An official installation of Tvheadend via does not allow root/sudo rights.

Tested with Debian 10 and 11, Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04

After an installation with sudo apt-get install tvheadend, TVH has root/sudo rights and can open port 554 for satip. After every restart this is not possible and the TVH says: satips: RTSP port 554 specified but no root perms, using 9983

If you open the console and enter sudo service tvheadend restart, port 554 can be used again.

I also have the option of installing an Ubuntu PPA from Michael Marley via Ubuntu.
This software package, whatever is kept up to date, works without restrictions.
Port 554 always works.

Could one of the developers take a look at this please?



Updated by Oliver Schinagl over 1 year ago

What you are seeing seems correct, ports under 1024 require root permission to be used. I'm not sure if if this should even be done by a distro packager, or you the user who requires these elevated permissions. I think if you use systemd socket activation, you can system handle the socket creation; but I'm not aware if tvheadend plays nicely with systemd yet.

Do you have a really strong desire to use port 554 instead of 9983?

In any case, `setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE+ep /usr/bin/tvheadend` should fix it; but it also opens a security window.

If you run it in the upcomming docker container, you could publish the internal port 9983, as 554, docker would take care of the permission issue for you, and tvheadend would run happily as user in the container bound to non-privileged ports.


Updated by Philipp S over 1 year ago

It is mandatory with port 554 for a SAT>IP server. Without 554 no TV with SAT> IP client works.


Updated by Flole Systems over 1 year ago

Oliver Schinagl wrote:

I think if you use systemd socket activation, you can system handle the socket creation; but I'm not aware if tvheadend plays nicely with systemd yet.

Pretty sure it doesn't.

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