


Feature #5996

EPG Sources prepending "New:" to episode titles for new airings, which prevents series recording.

Added by J Blanc about 4 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

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There appears to be a new convention for some otaEPG providers in the UK to prepend 'New' to the title when it's a new airing. For instance a new episode of "Grand Designs" has the title string "New: Grand Designs" in the otaEPG. This obviously causes some issues with recordings.

Would it be possible to add a filter step that erases all the "New:" from the titles?
Or would it be better to special case ignoring "New:" in title matching, and creating recording file names?



Updated by Dave Pickles about 4 years ago

You haven't said which Tvheadend version you are using but AFAIK this function is already available in the current master.

Go to Configuration -> Channel/EPG -> EPG Grabber Modules -> FreeView and set the Scraper Configuration to "uk", then tick the "Scrape Title" box.


Updated by J Blanc about 4 years ago

Version 4.3-1916~g1884300f0

And DVB-S not DVB-T.

I already have the Freesat EPG and Freesat EIT Grabber configured to scrape title and set to UK.


Updated by J Blanc about 4 years ago

I'm going to erase the EPG and set the Freesat EIT Grabber to have a lower priority than the Freesat EPG Grabber, to see if that corrects the issue (And would mean that the Freesat EIT Grabber isn't scraping correctly?)


Updated by Dave Pickles about 4 years ago

My apologies, I misunderstood how the 'scrape' function works.

The scraper doesn't alter the title or summary of a broadcast, it adds extra data fields to the EPG. If an event title begins with "New:" or similar then the is_new flag is set, and this can be used when setting up autorecs (see the 'Broadcast Type' field).

If you are setting up autorecs based on the event title, according to the documentation the title field is a case-insensitive regular expression, so an autorec for "Grand Designs" should also record "New: Grand Designs" if the 'Broadcast Type' field is set to 'any'.


Updated by Rob vh over 2 years ago

Suppose the programme title is a single, common word, so your expression needs one or two anchors, like ^banshee$. This would not match a programme title like

New: Banshee

To this end, I've used optional groups to good effect:

^(new: )*Banshee$

In other instances, I use non-capturing groups, like recording only the original Grand Designs series, and not the two offshoots:

((?!.*(Australia|New Zealand))Grand Designs)

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