


Feature #5955

Using Elgato/Geniatech EyeTv 4C transcoded h264 streams as iptv-source

Added by Asger Holten over 4 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.

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I think it would be really awesome, if the Elgato/Geniatech EyeTV 4C (and maybe also EyeTV 4Sat)'s trancoded streams could be used as input-streams for the tvheadend.

The h264 streams provided by EyeTV 4C is better capable of meeting low bandwidth requirements.

Example: Lets say you have the EyeTV 4C on your network - and you have a laptop running tvheadend. Then it seems stupid to transfer the Transport-stream, when the device is capable of creating h264 streams directly.

Often you also just want to forward the h264 streams using the tvheadend - and tvheadend wouldn't in such cases need to trancode the stream to h264 again. It would really be awesome, because the server wouldn't require cpu for doing the transcoding.


IMG_0522.JPG (54.9 KB) IMG_0522.JPG Trancoding call from Netstream Android App Asger Holten, 2020-09-30 16:00
trace.pcap (1.06 KB) trace.pcap Asger Holten, 2020-09-30 19:18
Play.pcap (684 Bytes) Play.pcap Asger Holten, 2020-09-30 19:24
Transcode.pcap (769 Bytes) Transcode.pcap Asger Holten, 2020-09-30 19:25
PlayStreamPids.pcap (656 Bytes) PlayStreamPids.pcap Asger Holten, 2020-09-30 19:28
GetTrancoding.pcap (454 Bytes) GetTrancoding.pcap Asger Holten, 2020-09-30 19:29
GetSignalStatus.pcap (1.06 KB) GetSignalStatus.pcap Asger Holten, 2020-09-30 19:31
PlayWithTranscodeParms.pcap (13.8 MB) PlayWithTranscodeParms.pcap Asger Holten, 2020-09-30 20:00



Updated by saen acro over 4 years ago

I have Elgato, but still not found how to activate transcoding from device, even with their software. /even with access to device/


Updated by Asger Holten over 4 years ago

saen acro wrote:

I have Elgato, but still not found how to activate transcoding from device, even with their software. /even with access to device/

I have a dump from the Android Netstream App, where you can see, the transcode called.


Updated by Asger Holten over 4 years ago

Asger Holten wrote:

saen acro wrote:

I have Elgato, but still not found how to activate transcoding from device, even with their software. /even with access to device/

I have a dump from the Android Netstream App, where you can see, the transcode called. (I have attached it to the description)


Updated by saen acro over 4 years ago

How it must be look in playlist url
curent is

#EXTINF:0,18. arte HD


Updated by Asger Holten over 4 years ago

saen acro wrote:

How it must be look in playlist url
curent is

PLAY rtsp:// RTSP/1.0

RTSP/1.0 200 OK



Updated by Asger Holten over 4 years ago


Updated by Flole Systems over 4 years ago

  • Assignee deleted (John Törnblom)

Good luck implementing that. As it's HTTP-based SAT>IP with some vendor-specific additions you will need to write a completely new input source for that.


Updated by saen acro over 4 years ago

I not 100% shure but its not clear how session re-request is send from app to device
Client | STB
ASK RTSP stream >
PLAY rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
< Return

then transcoding is not so clear what do

Tombea SAT>IP server is not OpenSource as rest of software in STB


Updated by saen acro over 4 years ago

Flole Systems wrote:

Good luck implementing that. As it's HTTP-based SAT>IP with some vendor-specific additions you will need to write a completely new input source for that.

I dot't thing so
currently TVH wot OK with SAT>IP protocol with is also nonstandard

it use "Session ID" to get transcoded stream
so hack need to have "optional" Transcoding checkbox with Warning "will work with ONE FREE service total"


Updated by Flole Systems over 4 years ago

And you need to rewrite everything to add HTTP Support according to the pcap files, and you need a periodic poll of the signal strength aswell....


Updated by saen acro over 4 years ago

As i see RTSP session is not used anymore when transcoding used.
Transcoding use http session with same id with SAT>IP SETUP/PLAY request


Updated by Asger Holten over 4 years ago

Maybe we could contact and hear og they are willing to help with some full communication details.. It should indeed be in their interrest to male their awesome tuner work with tvheadend.. I'm pretty sure this functionality could boost their sale og 4C and 4SAT


Updated by Asger Holten over 4 years ago

Asger Holten wrote:

Maybe we could contact and hear og they are willing to help with some full communication details.. It should indeed be in their interrest to make their awesome tuner work with tvheadend.. I'm pretty sure this functionality could boost their sale of 4C and 4SAT


Updated by Anonymous over 3 years ago

Did you hear from Geniatech since then? It's indeed very interesting.

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