Feature #5838
Add "Channel tags" column in Muxes tab
IPTV networks categorize channels by using Channel Tags. Without the Channel tags column available to search and filter by it is very hard to disable all entries within a specific group. Please add "Channel tags" to the list of columns for Muxes.
Updated by saen acro about 5 years ago
Mark your service's with coresponding tag.
If this is a import problem, describe it as "import tags problem".
With TVH you are the operator so make tags
Updated by Ike Taylor about 5 years ago
- File mux_config.PNG mux_config.PNG added
- File mux_tab_colulmns.PNG mux_tab_colulmns.PNG added
The tags are being created automatically upon import from the IPTV network. I am asking for a new column to indexed and added in the Mux tab. Look at the mux_config.png file, it has the channel tag entry in it.
What I would like to see is that "Channel tags:" entry added as an indexed, filterable column in the mux tab. Look at the mux_tab_columns.png file which shows the current columns available. That is where I want the new column to be available.