Bug #5836
Mux and Service names not updating with IPTV Automatic Network
I have an IPTV Automatic Network added. I use an http url which is in the URL: field of the network. When I originally added the network tvheadend found all the muxes and services for the m3u file. It creates a single mux and service for every channel listing in the m3u file.
The problem is now the provider has made changes to the channel name and group id in the m3u file. When tvheadend does its re-fetch period (60 minutes), the mux and service names never change to reflect the new name and group from the m3u file.
Example is as follows.
Original m3u file entry for Cartoon Network in m3u
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="CartoonNetwork.us" tvg-name="US: CARTOON NETWORK" tvg-logo="https://upload.wikimedia.org/logo.svg/300px-Cartoon_Network_2010_logo.svg.png" group-title="USA HD" ,US: CARTOON NETWORK
This created mux: get.php - US: CARTOON NETWORK
This created service: US: CARTOON NETWORK
After time the provider changed the m3u file to update the tvg-name and group title as reflected below in the m3u
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="CartoonNetwork.us" tvg-name="KIDS US: CARTOON NETWORK" tvg-logo="https://upload.wikimedia.org/logo.svg/300px-Cartoon_Network_2010_logo.svg.png" group-title="KIDS" ,KIDS US: CARTOON NETWORK
The mux and service names are still exactly as they were when they were originally created.
Why is the mux and service name not changing to match the new entries in the m3u file?