Bug #5742
"Watch TV" Audio do not work on some streams
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Found in version:
HTS Tvheadend 4.3-1811~ge1fb5c025
Affected Versions:
Hi tvheadenders's,
as i wrote last month the "Watch TV" Browser Window do not work with audio streams on some channels AND do not recognized the user choise of "stream profile".
As attachment two pics: This who describe "ZDF HD" works with audio in the Watch TV Browser Window, this one which describe "tagesschau24 HD" do not work with audio.
Updated by Ralf Haase over 5 years ago
If i choose the "Details" Icon from the EPG main window for a channel and choose the "Play" button then every channels play video and audio with vlc.
And curios is another detail: Independent of my choice of a stream profile in the Watch TV chooser always the webtv-vp8-vorbis-webm profile is selected. If i disable profiles (and leave only the pass profile enabled) an error occurs.