Feature #5605
livestream with encrypted licence URL
I got the following livestream from a national broadcast.
The provider sent me also the license URL but I don't know how to call it with ffmpeg.
Do you have any idea how to use it?
SRF 1:
licenseURL für Widevine: https://srg.live.ott.irdeto.com/licenseServer/widevine/v1/SRG/license?contentId=SRF1
LicenceURL für Playready https://srg.live.ott.irdeto.com/licenseServer/playready/v1/SRG/license?contentId=SRF2
licenseURL für Fairplay: https://srg.live.ott.irdeto.com/licenseServer/streaming/v1/SRG/getckc?contentId=SRF2&keyId=be581f7c-c844-41a4-ade5-87aab8b45fe6
Updated by Flole Systems almost 6 years ago
Ffmpeg is not tvheadend, they know their software better than anybody in here and you should contact them for the best support.
Updated by saen acro almost 6 years ago
not only ffmpeg needed