Feature #5498
Duplicated logs
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Tvheadend supports logging to file as well as sending all messages to syslog. I have configured it to save all logs to specific file, but currently I have not found a way to disable logging to syslog. There is a way to disable it during runtime, what means that after a service restart it is again sending logs to syslog. IMHO this is unnecessary. I (and probably most users) do not need tvh to log twice (for file and to syslog).
Please provide a way to permanently disable logging to syslog.
Updated by Joe User about 6 years ago
use the "-S" option when starting tvheadend
$ build.linux/tvheadend --help Usage: build.linux/tvheadend [OPTIONS] Generic options -h, --help Show this page -v, --version Show version information Service configuration -c, --config Alternate configuration path -B, --nobackup Don't backup configuration tree at upgrade -f, --fork Fork and run as daemon -u, --user Run as user -g, --group Run as group -p, --pid Alternate PID path -C, --firstrun If no user account exists then create one with no username and no password. Use with care as it will allow world-wide administrative access to your Tvheadend installation until you create or edit the access control from within the Tvheadend web interface. -U, --dbus Enable DBus -e, --dbus_session DBus - use the session message bus instead of the system one -a, --adapters Only use specified DVB adapters (comma-separated, -1 = none) --nosatip Disable SAT>IP client --satip_xml URL with the SAT>IP server XML location Server connectivity -6, --ipv6 Listen on IPv6 -b, --bindaddr Specify bind address --http_port Specify alternative http port --http_root Specify alternative http webroot --htsp_port Specify alternative htsp port --htsp_port2 Specify extra htsp port --useragent Specify User-Agent header for the http client --xspf Use XSPF playlist instead of M3U Debug options -d, --stderr Enable debug on stderr -n, --nostderr Disable debug on stderr -s, --syslog Enable debug to syslog -S, --nosyslog Disable syslog (all messages) -l, --logfile Enable debug to file --debug Enable debug subsystems --trace Enable trace subsystems --subsystems List subsystems --fileline Add file and line numbers to debug --threadid Add the thread ID to debug --libav More verbose libav log --uidebug Enable web UI debug (non-minified JS) -A, --abort Immediately abort -D, --dump Enable coredumps for daemon --noacl Disable all access control checks --nobat Disable DVB bouquets -j, --join Subscribe to a service permanently Testing options --tsfile_tuners Number of tsfile tuners --tsfile tsfile input (mux file) --tprofile Gather timing statistics for the code