


Bug #5433

Continuity errors in VLC and Kodi

Added by J H about 6 years ago. Updated about 6 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


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Found in version:
TVH 4.2.6-87~gb5f1f4049 and later, up to most recent
Affected Versions:


TVH 4.2.6-87~gb5f1f4049 and later, up to most recent
Tuner HDHomerun HDHR3-4DC with firmware 20180817
TVH running on Synology DS1815+, problem is with both TVH as app from e.g., as well as running in Docker
Problem occurs on VLC 3.04 and Kodi (Mac, Kodibuntu)

Both encrypted and unencrypted channels show artifacts, and the Continuity Errors in TVH start adding up. Only h.264 channels seem affected, as far as I know MPEG2 is flawless.

If I watch an (unencrypted) channel directly from the HDHR tuner, picture is flawless. The problem is only there when using TVH.

The log is here and from VLC:


HDHR_v925_60s_sample.ts (99.3 MB) HDHR_v925_60s_sample.ts J H, 2018-12-15 20:39
TVH_60s_sample.ts (97.5 MB) TVH_60s_sample.ts J H, 2018-12-15 20:44



Updated by Jaroslav Kysela about 6 years ago

Attach 60 seconds of the source TS file (grab it using the link in the channels list from the HDHomeRun webui - use wget or curl to save the TS to a file not vlc or any other gui players).


Updated by J H about 6 years ago

I took the liberty to also add a .ts file saved by curl from TVH. When that file is played I notice the following error showing up in VLC multiple times: ts error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela about 6 years ago

It appears like a classic UDP packet loss, because the CC errors are in video/audio packets. The hdhomerun client in tvh uses UDP for the data transfers. Try to tune your network settings.


Updated by J H about 6 years ago

I tend to agree on your conclusion for now. Seems like the errors are increasing when I start a file transfer from the Synology. I have to say I'm quite puzzled where to start looking. I disabled the link aggregation, tried two different LAN ports, checked for QoS settings. Maybe it's a known issue with Synology, not sure. The switch should be capable of doing the job. For now I think I may try to install a NUC with ubuntu and tvheadend. Seems like that's a way to rule out the Synology.

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