Bug #5355
CPU usage higher with MPEG-TS Spawn transcoding than with built in transcoding?
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Hello I'm a bit confused. It seems like tvheadend is using almost twice as much cpu usage if I'm transcoding with "MPEG-TS Spawn". I tried to use the same settings as the built in transcoding profile. Both resizing down to 720p and using a vbr around 23. With the built in transcoder cpu usage is about 24%. With the MPEG-TS Spawn pipe I get around 55%. Both should be using ffmpeg library to transcode right?
Why am I using MPEG-TS Spawn: I have some iptv inputs that just don't want do get transcoded with the built in transcoding because there is some sort of error with an 'in' filter.
filters: failed to create 'in' filter.
I hope someone can help me with that.
Thanks in advance!