Feature #5160
RFE webui: Allow editing of the episode information of finished recordings
The "Finished Recordings" tab of the DVR part in the web ui of tvheadend offers an edit button to the user. This button opens a dialog, where the user can modify a few fields of the recording metadata, like the retention period. However, there is no field allowing to modify the EPG data of the selected recording.
Could it be possible to enhance the web ui to allow for the modification of the title, subtitle and the episode of the recording. On the one hand, these fields are already displayed in the Finished Recordings tab and on the other hand, these fields contain important information of the recording. Thus, MHO, the user should be able to modify these fields in the case where they are empty or not accurate.
Thanks in advance any comment or work on this suggestion.
Updated by Pablo Zerón over 6 years ago
From commit #4ac3824 you can modify those fields.