Bug #4977
superuser doesn't work
There's something really strange going on here...
After upgrade from 1130 to 1133 i can't login with superuser... or better i can... but this is how it looks
only epg and vdr showing up!
If i use apt update apt dist-upgrade to get tvheadend them it works just fine.
I am using this to build up:
AUTOBUILD_CONFIGURE_EXTRA="enable-vaapi --disable-linuxdvb" ./Autobuild.sh -t xenial-amd64 -j$(nproc)
Updated by Pablo Zerón almost 7 years ago
Hi, try with AUTOBUILD_CONFIGURE_EXTRA=--enable-bundle\ --enable-vaapi\ --disable-linuxdvb ./Autobuild.sh -t xenial-amd64 -j$(nproc)
Updated by Mark Clarkstone almost 7 years ago
- File tvheadend.tar tvheadend.tar added
I can confirm this on 1133 - something is preventing login on fresh configs. Example config attached..
Updated by Jaroslav Kysela almost 7 years ago
I did some tests - the authentication works, but it may be difficult to 'persuade' browser to send the authentication header when the anonyous access is allowed. It works better with chrome.
Updated by Jaroslav Kysela almost 7 years ago
For the original report - try to look to the browser's javascript console for errors.