


Feature #4938

SAT>IP: Add Transport Protocol to Input Name

Added by Mono Polimorph about 7 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

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Hi Jaroslav,

With this patch the name of the Input SAT>IP Tuners it's enhanced with the Transport Protocol. It adds to the name the configured type. With this, it's more clear in the UI to view wich tuners will use the standard RTP or the Interlaved AVP/TCP. Futhermore, when other transport protocols will be implemented (for example, multicast) the code can be updated without much effort to print the new ones.

diff --git a/src/input/mpegts/satip/satip_frontend.c b/src/input/mpegts/satip/satip_frontend.c
index 43bda82..bfefdf4 100644
--- a/src/input/mpegts/satip/satip_frontend.c
+++ b/src/input/mpegts/satip/satip_frontend.c
@@ -2255,9 +2255,25 @@ satip_frontend_create
       (strncmp(lfe->mi_name, "SAT>IP ", 7) == 0 &&
        strstr(lfe->mi_name, " Tuner ") &&
        strstr(lfe->mi_name, " #"))) {
-    snprintf(lname, sizeof(lname), "SAT>IP %s Tuner #%i (%s)",
+    char transport[4];
+    switch (lfe->sf_transport_mode) {
+        strcpy(transport, lfe->sf_device->sd_tcp_mode ? "AVP" : "RTP");
+        break;
+      case RTP_UDP:
+        strcpy(transport,"RTP");
+        break;
+      case RTP_INTERLEAVED:
+        strcpy(transport,"AVP");
+        break;
+      default:
+        strcpy(transport,"\0");
+        break;
+    }
+    snprintf(lname, sizeof(lname), "SAT>IP %s Tuner #%i (%s/%s)",
              dvb_type2str(type), num,
-             satip_device_nicename(sd, nname, sizeof(nname)));
+             satip_device_nicename(sd, nname, sizeof(nname)),
+             transport);
     lfe->mi_name = strdup(lname);

I hope you commit the patch soon! ;)




Updated by Mono Polimorph about 7 years ago

Hi Jaroslav,

This patch has a good advantage: you can view wich tuners are using UDP (RTP) and wich are using TCP (AVP).

Please, review it and commit it!
If not, please comment about it.


Updated by Mono Polimorph almost 7 years ago

Hi Jaroslav,

You do a lot of SAT>IP changes in last days. Great! Good job!

However, please review also this pending patch. As you can see it can't produce any side effect. But it helps in knowning which transport protocol it's configured for each SAT>IP source (remember my previous patches to configure independtly of the server each tuner... it's good to see in the UI the configuration of each one).

So, please... :)


Updated by Pablo R. almost 7 years ago

perexg said:

The implementation is incomplete - if you change UDP/TCP settings, the input name is not changed. Also, user may freely edit this name, so I guess we don't need this.


Updated by Mono Polimorph over 6 years ago

Hi Jaroslav,

If my implementation is wrong, then please can you comment about how to print the UI the current transport protocol used for each tuner in real-time?

The request is simple: I need to see in the Web UI the protocol used for a remote tuner (RTP, TCP, etc.).
Please, consider to add this functionality.

Thank you!


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Fixed

Added (totaly different implementation) to v4.3-1426-g5e871dfbc .


Updated by Mono Polimorph over 6 years ago

Jaroslav Kysela wrote:

Added (totaly different implementation) to v4.3-1426-g5e871dfbc .

Great! You're the boss! :D

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