


Feature #4937

Connections: Add a button [Close all connections]

Added by Mono Polimorph almost 7 years ago. Updated about 6 years ago.

User Interface
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I suggest to add a button called [Close all connections] in the section Connections of the UI. This will be similar to the button [Clear all statistics] in the section Stream. The idea is quite simple: close all active connections.

You agree?


offline.mp4 (72.6 KB) offline.mp4 saen acro, 2018-02-13 18:58



Updated by saen acro almost 7 years ago

I agree 100%
also next to this if will have one more with will not allow anyone to connect for maintenance reason


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela almost 7 years ago

  • Target version set to 4.4

Updated by Pablo R. almost 7 years ago

Both ideas looks so good!


Updated by Mark Clarkstone almost 7 years ago

saen acro wrote:

I agree 100%
also next to this if will have one more with will not allow anyone to connect for maintenance reason

It would also be nice to notify the client why the connection was rejected. However I think most won't take notice & keep trying so, perhaps an IP block on a timer?


Updated by Mono Polimorph almost 7 years ago

Mark Clarkstone wrote:

It would also be nice to notify the client why the connection was rejected. However I think most won't take notice & keep trying so, perhaps an IP block on a timer?

The options can vary:

A) Close the listening sockets until the server exists from the maintenance state.

B) Reject all incomming connections to the listening sockets.

C) To each new connection respond with an ERROR message like UNAVAILABLE or similar.

All modes are acceptable. However, the first it's implement the option for closing all connections (using the API). And the second action will be implementing the "maintenance" mode.



Updated by saen acro almost 7 years ago

Mark Clarkstone wrote:

saen acro wrote:

I agree 100%
also next to this if will have one more with will not allow anyone to connect for maintenance reason

It would also be nice to notify the client why the connection was rejected. However I think most won't take notice & keep trying so, perhaps an IP block on a timer?

This can be happen with micro ts file even files (NO OR BAD SIGNAL, NO FREE SOURCE, SCRAMBLED, MAINTENANCE, ACCESS RESTRICTED )
with will play in loop until conditions changed


Updated by Mono Polimorph almost 7 years ago

saen acro wrote:

This can be happen with micro ts file even files (NO OR BAD SIGNAL, NO FREE SOURCE, SCRAMBLED, MAINTENANCE, ACCESS RESTRICTED )
with will play in loop until conditions changed

This is great but independent of the maintenance mode. In the maintenance mode the server rejects all connections. Your suggestion it's about streaming when inputs fails.

As I see, this thread has evolved in three different requests:

  1. UI Button for closing all active connections (original request).
  2. A Maintenance mode that rejects all incomming connections.
  3. Error loop files for streaming when input errors appear.

I hope all three will be accepted to be in the roadmap.


Updated by Mark Clarkstone almost 7 years ago

I thought some more about this. A faux maintenance mode could be implemented simply by dropping all but admin account connections & disabling/enabling non-admin users in one go.


Updated by saen acro almost 7 years ago

@Mono Polimorph
1. and 2. can be associated to 3.
Any neutrino box have such option 10 years ago

also imagine how many flood will come in maintenance mode
attached 10 sec 75Kb 1080p video for OFFLINE ;)


Updated by Mono Polimorph almost 7 years ago

saen acro wrote:

also imagine how many flood will come in maintenance mode
attached 10 sec 75Kb 1080p video for OFFLINE ;)

I found very interesting to support the "Error Loop files". However, this implies some development. And instead of it, the button of close all connections it's a simple trigger of the API:closeall. Futhermore, the administration status it's a simple "reject all connections" (except admin), instead of send (streaming) faulty files. And that's quite simple to implement (compared to your request).

So, I think it's a great idea! But you need to wait until the developer likes to implement it.


Updated by saen acro almost 7 years ago

Mono Polimorph wrote:

I found very interesting to support the "Error Loop files". However, this implies some development. And instead of it, the button of close all connections it's a simple trigger of the API:closeall. Futhermore, the administration status it's a simple "reject all connections" (except admin), instead of send (streaming) faulty files. And that's quite simple to implement (compared to your request).

So, I think it's a great idea! But you need to wait until the developer likes to implement it.

lets see simple logic
is tvheadend can have multiple sources for for one service = yes
is it possible to swith this inputs with conditions = yes
so we need virtual input with variable priority

inputA -+
InputB -+--+---- To Client 
inputx -+  |
 *CSLI -+

*Condition Situated Loop Input

DVBLink have such solution


Updated by Mono Polimorph almost 7 years ago

saen acro wrote:

lets see simple logic

I see it! Your opinion is valuable. And I agree!
However, I only comment that this it's different to the original request.


Updated by Mark Clarkstone about 6 years ago

I've added the OP's original request as a PR


Updated by Mark Clarkstone about 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Fixed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Applied in changeset commit:tvheadend|bc4873d75b906254b7c6255b9cced4e6ac13f533.


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela about 6 years ago

Applied PR, added optimized id=all api call. Drop a note, if something does not work.

Also available in: Atom PDF