Bug #4896
Memory Leak (?) when recording Sat>IP feed
I reported this ([[https://tvheadend.org/issues/4867]]) and thought the memory leak was gone when I tried an interim version (can't recall version, sorry), but on the latest version (4.3-1006~gd381d71e3), the problem is back.
The memory increase rate is roughly inline with the amount of data being received from Sat>IP.
I run TVHeadEnd under Docker in cast that's relevant on a Synology DS918+ (16GB ram).
Linuxserver.io, who provide the docker image, update weekly, so I'll test again next week and report back. If you want me to do any troubleshooting (any debug switches etc...), then please let me know what you need.
Thanks chaps
Updated by Jaroslav Kysela about 7 years ago
Could you verify, if the memory is malloc()ated ? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2564752/examining-c-c-heap-memory-statistics-in-gdb
Updated by David Pollard about 7 years ago
I've reported this (also) in the Docker Image issues queue, as I'm not sure if the tools to perform what you're asking are included in the image.
Will report back in due course....
Thanks Jaroslav !