Bug #4866
Scanned mux detects service, but doesn't add to Services page
I'm trying to add an ATSC OTA channel in TVH and the mux scans and finds the service with scan result "OK", but nothing gets added to the Services page for it. Another mux scans and adds fine on the same network, and hitting the 'play' button on the muxes page launches in VLC and plays the channel.
I've created a custom muxes file with the two muxes for my location. One has the issue, while the other mux detects 2 services and adds them fine.
As discussed on IRC with perexg, attached is the tbl-base,tbl-atsc trace.
Also, I've included screenshots of the web interface.
Updated by Jaroslav Kysela about 7 years ago
Please, attach full log when the problematic mux is being scanned:
1) wait for the idle state (no subscription activity)
2) enable traces
3) put the selected mux to the 'scan' state (set the scan state to pending)
4) wait until scan is finished