


Feature #4769

Add custom pipe-handler to IPTV networks

Added by Hanspeter Müller about 7 years ago. Updated about 1 year ago.

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Woulb be nice if you could add a line in the IPTV and/or IPTV Automatic Network configuration, how a Mux-URL should be parsed, i.e.

Handler: ffmpeg -re -v error -i "%1" -vn -sn -acodec aac -b:a 224k -mpegts_service_type digital_radio -f mpegts pipe:1

(where %1 would be the mux-url as manually specified in the MUX or auto-playlist)

This would allow to directly use radio-playlists (which currently can only be handeled manually with lots of manual pipe:// muxes, related to, other non-mpegts-playlists, or urls that can be played with streamlink...





Updated by Jaroslav Kysela about 7 years ago

  • Category changed from Muxers to IPTV

Updated by Jaroslav Kysela about 7 years ago

  • Target version set to 4.4

This would allow to directly use radio-playlists (which currently can only be handeled manually with lots of manual pipe:// muxes, related to, other non-mpegts-playlists, or urls that can be played with streamlink...

Have you tried to turn on 'Use A/V library' in the network settings? But I got the idea..


Updated by Andreas Fornberg about 7 years ago

This option would be nice to have.


Updated by Hanspeter Müller about 7 years ago

Jaroslav Kysela wrote:

This would allow to directly use radio-playlists (which currently can only be handeled manually with lots of manual pipe:// muxes, related to, other non-mpegts-playlists, or urls that can be played with streamlink...

Have you tried to turn on 'Use A/V library' in the network settings? But I got the idea..

Yeah, i have, it returns

iptv: libav: Could not open input '': Invalid data found when processing input

My script currently does

ffmpeg -re -v error -i "$1" -vn -sn -acodec aac -b:a 224k -mpegts_service_type digital_radio -f mpegts pipe:1

and works fine...

but BTW, i've tried it with a pipe:// link, and got an error like "could not connect to URL pipe://.......", it looks like the "Use A/V lib" directly connects out, is this intentional/by design, that it only works on http-links? Or could you change that it instead is "chained" into the normal flow and could be used with all URL-Types that tvh can handle?
Combined with this FR it would be very usefull (i dont like to call ffmpeg inside my own scripts when tvh could do that iself, would probably be faster and more stable with one less binary started on every start)...



Updated by Flole Systems about 4 years ago

  • Target version changed from 4.4 to 4.6

Updated by Gerrit Gogel over 2 years ago


I recently switched from SAT to IPTV. Currently, I'm updating my M3U file with `sed`, by adding the `pipe://` command to each line containing a URL. Like for example, described here: The problem with that is when I want to update the inserted command, TVH thinks this is an entirely new MUX and deletes the old MUX, alongside the attached services and channels. So this feature would solve this issue. In the expert settings of the MUX I can see several parameters regarding pipe, like `Environment (pipe)`. Do they resemble this requested feature? Are they affecting the usage of a `pipe://` URL? What can I do with them? Sadly, those parameters don't seem to be documented.


Updated by D M almost 2 years ago

Adding pipe is PITA. Is there still no way to do this?


Updated by Anonymous about 1 year ago

6 YEARS people have been waiting for this - no updates?


Updated by Flole Systems about 1 year ago

Feel free to work on it if this is a feature you want.

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