


Bug #4763

Truncated matroska recordings after CC errors

Added by LubosD - about 7 years ago. Updated about 7 years ago.

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I've just had a 1:15 long recording. Tvheadend claimed to be recording for the whole time, the last modified time of the output file matches the "Scheduled stop time", yet the file is only 15 minutes long. The file size also matches 15 minutes of recording only (~600 MB, it should've been more like 6000 MB).

What I did before this recording is that I switched to the Matroska profile for recording, because that gives me usable seeking in Kodi. When I check the log files, a continuity counter error happened on this channel around the time where recording stopped writing data to the disk.

I also had another recording this evening, which was also hit by CC errors (because I own a TBS6985, so it's par for the course until I get something else) and there I got about 20 mins missing in the middle of the recording.

Is it a known fact that CC errors mess up the recording entirely if Matroska is selected for the profile?


scrshot.png (22.3 KB) scrshot.png LubosD -, 2017-12-03 23:38



Updated by Jaroslav Kysela about 7 years ago

We have some issues with the descrambling in last few git revisions. Please, retest.


Updated by LubosD - about 7 years ago

BBC One/Two HD are FTA, so that can't be the reason.


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela about 7 years ago

Do you have something in logs? Do you have 'Clone schedule entry on error' turned on in the DVR configuration?


Updated by LubosD - about 7 years ago

Yes, this option is on (-> I'll turn it off). All I noticed in the log files were the CC errors...

I even remember seeing the recording as active while the show was aired, although nothing more was being written to the disk. Never happened to me with the "pass" profile.

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