Bug #4747
Recording disk write failed but recording marked as success
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I recently had writes failed due to out of disk space due to btrfs issues (btrfs usage reported minimum of 400GB free but disk writes failed with out of disk space).
I use the "pass" profile with restart on error true.
In the log I see:
pass: <filename>: Write failed -- No space left on device
And I had extra debug I had added from a while ago that logs an info for state changes so at scheduled end time I see:
dvr: dvr_entry_set_state on programme ... rec_state FINISHED error ’OK’
On disk I have a 21MB file for an hour show (instead of 700MB), with the disk write error after about a minute.
DVR log contains:
"errorcode": 0, "errors": 0, "data_errors": 206,
Expected would be to have a failed recording. Ideally failing early so the programme can be (auto-)recorded on a timeshift channel. The "reschedule recording if more than X errors" isn't triggered in this case for me since 206 errors is a low number and below my threshold.
I could not determine from the code exactly how errors were passed back.