Feature #4711
External event handler mechanism
It would be great if Tvheadend could trigger an external event handler when certain things happened in the program. Steam starting and stream ending are the two that come to mind, but there are probably other that would be handy. Uses might include channel change, setting up a VPN, ...
Rather than trying to create an interface for a bunch of different events, maybe Tvheadend could check for the existence of a particular Unix socket and send a json string to that socket with event name, channel name, and any other available useful information. That minimizes impact on Tvheadend, puts the handler responsibility on an external app, and can easily be expanded when a new event is needed.
Thanks for considering.
Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 7 years ago
There's already DBUS interface designed exactly for this purpose.
Updated by Jerry Fath over 7 years ago
Thank you. I see that in the source now - exactly what I need.