Bug #4696
SNT/Signal Strenght always 0
Suddenly I haven't got any indication of SNT/signal, it's always set to 0.
Using latest build, but the issue appeared a few builds ago.
I'm using tvheadend with an Inverto Multibox with latest build of Jaroslav satip-axe firmware. I don't know if its an issue with tvheadend nor satip-axe (switched from minisatip5 to minisatip7 this summer).
Can anyone point me any directions?
Updated by Pablo R. about 7 years ago
After a month of use my Digibit with "Jaroslav satip-axe firmware" it stop working. Signal and SNR shows at 0% and I have to reboot digibit to get it working again. I dont know if this is your problem... :l
Updated by Jaroslav Kysela about 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
Yes, it appears like minisatip or driver bug. I noticed it, too. It's not easy to debug this, because it takes awhile to see it. Create a new issue for satip-axe: https://github.com/perexg/satip-axe/issues
Updated by Jaroslav Kysela about 7 years ago
It appears like a minisatip issue - if you kill the minisatip task, it will be respawned and the signal is back.
Updated by Alex Platero about 7 years ago
OK gonna try, in my case its only a signal/SNR not showing issue, streaming always works fine.
Updated by Alex Platero about 7 years ago
BTW sorry Jaroslav for hijacking this section with a satip-axe bug, but knowing that you develop both sources I thinked you wouldn't mind.