


Feature #4690

Parental control based on users and age of the programs

Added by Nicolas Rioja over 7 years ago. Updated about 4 years ago.

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Ok, this has been written in the forum some days ago, the thread is this:

But, since I´ve only recieved workarounds (from my point of view) to solve my problem I´ve aimed to write this feature request.

I was wondering if there is a possibility of integrate some kind of parental control in Tvheadend.

In example... We could create users with a specific age limit (let me say 7) and for this specific user all programs watched could be locked with the possibility to write some code to be unlocked.

Actually we can get the age of the programs in the EPG:


Probably this feature requires an integration between a client (like kodi addon) and the server (tvheadend itself) in order to be functional.

But I think could be a very good feature. What´s your opinion?

Thank you and best regards.



Updated by Harald Nehring over 7 years ago

+1 if you're having children. You want parental control by program, not by channel. Easiest from a user perspective would be to add a birthday to a user profile and then check against the age rating of a program, if there's any. No watching or recording if the user is below the age rating.


Updated by SΛSϾHΛ  over 6 years ago

Has anything already happened? Would be nice if the subject of protection of minors would not be treated as stepmotherly.


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 6 years ago

  • Target version set to 4.4

Updated by SΛSϾHΛ  over 6 years ago

Great news :)
Then I'm curious about version 4.4 (/)


Updated by Flole Systems about 4 years ago

  • Target version changed from 4.4 to 4.6

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