


Bug #4647

Cannot receive DVB-T2 channels that are recievable with dvbv5-zap

Added by paradox bd over 7 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

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I'm trying to use tvheadend in order to receive DVB-T2 channels in israel.

When I'm using w_scan or dvbv5-scan I can see the channel information and watch it with dvbv5-zap and mplayer.

However, when I'm setting new mux with the same settings (DVB-T2, Freq=562MHZ, bandwith=8MhZ),
tvheadend can see only the the radio channel and no the HD channels.

Using T230C USB dongle, ubuntu 16.04 kernel 4.4.0-96-generic, latest media_build drivers.

If required I can compile and check side branches of tvheadend.



tvh.log (27.7 KB) tvh.log trace for tbl-base,linuxdvb during force scan of all muxes paradox bd, 2017-10-03 15:17
w_scan.txt (8.8 KB) w_scan.txt w_scan results paradox bd, 2017-10-03 15:25
dump-tvheadend.ts (4.88 MB) dump-tvheadend.ts mux dump from tvheadend paradox bd, 2017-10-03 15:30
dvbv5-zap-dump.ts (88.6 MB) dvbv5-zap-dump.ts dvbv5-zap -P dump paradox bd, 2017-10-03 15:49
w_scan_vvvvvv.log (90.4 KB) w_scan_vvvvvv.log w_scan -vvvvvv paradox bd, 2017-10-03 17:16
dump-tvheadend-538Mhz.ts (44.8 MB) dump-tvheadend-538Mhz.ts mux ts stream from 538 Mhz mux paradox bd, 2017-10-04 16:43



Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 7 years ago

Could you run 'w_scan -vvvvvv' and attach the log here?


Updated by paradox bd over 7 years ago

Attaching 'w_scan -vvvvvv' log.


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 7 years ago

Which mux data is in dump-tvheadend.ts ? Could you grab the mux TS stream from 538Mhz using the tvheadend's mux play link (in the mux grid)?


Updated by paradox bd over 7 years ago

dump-tvheadend.ts contains mux data from 562 Mhz.

dump-tvheadend-538Mhz.ts contains mux ts stream from 538 Mhz mux.


Updated by paradox bd over 7 years ago

I played with dvbsnoop, and found that there is two Transport_stream_ID on the same mux:
Transport_stream_ID 2 that contains the radio channels that tvh finds.
Transport_stream_ID 3 that contains the missing tv channels.

In tvh mux configuration in "Transport stream ID" column there is the value 2.

Can I change the mux configuration to scan Transport_stream_ID 3 to recieves the TV channels?



Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 7 years ago

Appearently 538Mhz mux is DVB-T2 mux with multiple PLP IDs. The w_scan utility forces PLP ID to zero to tune to TSID 3.

Could you confirm, if you set manually PLP ID to 0 - TSID (transport stream ID) is 3 ? (the mux config)

Also, could you check if radio PLP ID is 1 (or perhaps 255) ?


Updated by paradox bd over 7 years ago

Thank you!!!

It worked :) PLP ID 0 gives me TSID 3 - and the TV channels, and PLP ID 1 gives me TSID 2 and it radio channels.

Thank you very much!



Updated by Mark Clarkstone over 7 years ago


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