Bug #4623
Multiple subscriber issue
Tvheadend seems not to handle the share of a channel with multiple subscribers.
I am using pipe to change the container with the following example:
pipe:///usr/bin/ffmpeg -loglevel fatal -i INPUTLINK -vcodec copy -acodec copy -metadata service_provider=STRING
-metadata service_name=STRING -f mpegts -tune zerolatency pipe:1
Everything works fine, but when a few or more subscribers subscribe to the same channel then we get a freeze (Kodi sometimes freezes) and then in the logs shows
parser: IPTV/Sky/Sky: AAC-LATM @ #257: DTS and PCR diff is very big
After that audio is gone, and only video works.
The container used is Motroska/builtin in the transcoding tvheadend (separate machine). The IPTV source shows no issues, and other channels from the same source work fine, and retunning back to the channel with DTS/PCR issue still plays only video without audio.
Is this a tvheadend issue, or is there something I am not aware.