Feature #4566
Feature #3515: Colours for multiple recordings
Inform user about conflicting timers
My tvheadend installation is using only one tuner. I programmed two conflicting timers on purpose to see, whether the webif would inform me about the conflict. Since there was no indication about it in the Upcoming Recordings page, I am assuming that tvheadend is not reporting conflicts yet. Thus, I would like to ask you whether you could implement a way to inform the user about timer conflicts.
I am not asking for a full Recording management, as described on the following wiki page:
Informing the user about conflicting recordings to give him the opportunity to resolve them manually would IMHO already be a huge step forward.
You could for example place an additional red icon with a number in the details column to indicate the conflicts. Let's assume for example that there are 4 timers that I am naming here with the letters A, B, C and D. Let's further assume that A conflicts with B and that C conflicts with D.
I could for example imagine the timers A and B getting marked with a red icon containing the number 1 to show that it is the first conflict. C and D would get a red icon with the number 2 to indicate that it is the second conflict. (The numbers are necessary because if there are multiple conflicts, the user needs to know what timer conflicts with what other timers. In the example above, A was for example conflicting with only B and not with C or D.
Further, I wonder whether timer conflicts can not be detected by looking at the input ways (dvb-c, dvb-s,...) , the the muxes and the timers:
- A conflict can not arise for 2 timers using two different input ways. Does this mean, that the various input ways can be checked separately!?
- Let's now assume that there is a system with n dvb-s tuners. I suppose that a conflict arises, when at least n+1 different dvb-s transponders get accessed simultaneously!?
Of course, people that receive a channel through different input ways, might probably want some automatic system to prioritize a specific input because it provides a better quality. But this is IMHO a different topic...
Finally, tvheadend might also offer to send an email to the user when it detects a conflict to inform him about it.
Hoping to have been helpful.
Have a nice day.
Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
- Parent task set to #3515
Updated by Ludi K. over 7 years ago
Thanks for your replies.
I see now, why it was rejected: I was only taking into account a fixed number of dedicated tuners; but taking #3515 into account, you are also considering a variable number of tuners, for the case where some tuners might already be occupied by something different from tvheadend.