Feature #4459
exported m3u playlist - add group-title= parameter
from input M3U file translates to
channel tag="MUSIC"
in tvh webui, but generated output M3U file does not contain
Implementation of group-title in output M3U file would allow clients like Smart IPTV, VLC etc. to group channels according to channel tag scheme.
Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 7 years ago
It's a bit incosistent proposal. The channel in TVH can have multiple tags, so it's not so obvious which tag should be selected.
Updated by kodiaq kodiaq over 7 years ago
Know what you mean.
Input M3U can written as:
Output M3U file would than have the group-title inherited from the first tvh-tag.
Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 7 years ago
But what tag is first? You can add also other tags to the channel - there's no order.
Updated by kodiaq kodiaq over 7 years ago
There would have to be probably new tvh tag called "tvh-group" in the input file which could only have one name of the group category and that could be than somehow translated to group-title in the output M3U file.
I am sure Jaroslav you can already see in your mind dozen of possible solutions, but at least I gave you the first jog impulse
Updated by saen acro over 7 years ago
There is a some other M3U tags request
one of them is a user controllable export via UI
export all services "by tag", "by caid", "by operator", "by language", "by type", "by source"
there is a old history of closed tickets
#2257 #1908
Programmers need to cure his allergy to write in Forum
Solution can be implemented when #2762 is solved
transferred filtered info can generate playlist with all needed
Updated by kodiaq kodiaq over 7 years ago
I can see, not a straightforward solution for now.
Anyways thanks for quick reaction and great work
Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 7 years ago
Another quick idea when I'm digging through this: Do this filtering and ordering at the export side. I just don't like to add extra flag/index to channel tags for m3u export. Use HTTP argument for the m3u playlist generator like '?group-title=tag1|tag2|tag3' and fill group-title for the first present channel tag from this list preserving the order.
Updated by kodiaq kodiaq over 7 years ago
It is similar idea that I've had, but you see into the programming side of it.
If it is something easy to implement/compile try to give it a go.
If not, than we can wait until the code is more ready for this to happen.
Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 7 years ago
- Subject changed from tvh-tags="MUSIC" ---> channel tag="MUSIC" ---> group-title="MUSIC" to exported m3u playlist - add group-title= parameter
Updated by saen acro over 7 years ago
Some of tags used by players are described on IP-TV Player page CLICK on Russian (bing translate, google translate etc. native reading )
- tvg-name / tvg-id - имя/идентификатор канала в файле телепрограммы (можно не указывать если совпадает с названием канала; id имеет приоритет над name)
- tvg-shift - коррекция по времени, в часах (...-2, -1, 0, +1, +2, ...) <---EPG friendly
- tvg-logo - имя логотипа канала из встроенной базы или папки Icons\имя.bmp (можно не указывать если совпадает с названием канала) или прямая ссылка на изображение png/jpg/gif/bmp (v8838 и выше)
- aspect-ratio - соотношение сторон (None, 4:3, 16:9, ...) <---Very good to have, transcoding friendly
- audio-track - номер аудио-дорожки (0, 1, 2, ...)
- group-title - заголовок группы каналов
Updated by Andreas Fornberg over 7 years ago
Yeah this would be nice and that tvg-shift thing have been a request by me for a while now for example for +1 channels or if EPG is wrong of some other reason.
Updated by Pablo R. about 7 years ago
Andreas Fornberg wrote:
Anyone working on this?
I would like to see that soon...
Updated by saen acro about 7 years ago
Pablo Rodríguez wrote:
Andreas Fornberg wrote:
Anyone working on this?
I would like to see that soon...
+1 if some one start with this
also this
#EXTM3U x-tvg-url="EPG_url"
will be very good
Updated by Mono Polimorph about 7 years ago
I'm not using this functionality at time. However, sometime ago I have tested the IPTV client in some smartTVs. So I have this suggestion:
- Instead of using fixed tags, let the user to assign the name of the tag. This is needed because the M3U tags aren't (at time) standarized. So, the idea can be let the user to replace the name.
You agree?
Updated by Pablo R. about 7 years ago
Mono Polimorph wrote:
I'm not using this functionality at time. However, sometime ago I have tested the IPTV client in some smartTVs. So I have this suggestion:
- Instead of using fixed tags, let the user to assign the name of the tag. This is needed because the M3U tags aren't (at time) standarized. So, the idea can be let the user to replace the name.
You agree?
Looks good too
Updated by saen acro about 7 years ago
In most of smarttv's SSIPTV app can be very good if some tags are added
Updated by Andreas Fornberg about 7 years ago
Mono Polimorph wrote:
I'm not using this functionality at time. However, sometime ago I have tested the IPTV client in some smartTVs. So I have this suggestion:
- Instead of using fixed tags, let the user to assign the name of the tag. This is needed because the M3U tags aren't (at time) standarized. So, the idea can be let the user to replace the name.
You agree?
And if you have many channels and groups?
That will be a lot of work for something simple just export as "group-title" that all clients i have seen supports.
Updated by Andreas Fornberg about 7 years ago
Ok multiple groups have no standard yet but in that case maybe export with tag with highest priority first or something.
Updated by Andreas Fornberg almost 3 years ago
Come on this can't be that hard to fix?
Any other serversoftware i have seen can do this.
Updated by Flole Systems almost 3 years ago
Go ahead and fix it then, waiting for your PR, if it's not hard then you should be able to do it.
Updated by Andreas Fornberg almost 3 years ago
Flole Systems wrote:
Go ahead and fix it then, waiting for your PR, if it's not hard then you should be able to do it.
I would do that if i was a programmer and can't do more than small changes.
If it's more than 1 group just export the channel for each group that should not be hard to fix for a programmer.
Updated by Andreas Fornberg almost 3 years ago
For now i have solved it with this little hack.
wget -q "http://<ip>:9981/xmltv/channels?auth=<authtoken>" -O tivi.xml
wget -q "http://<ip>:9981/playlist/tags/auth?auth=<authtoken>&profile=pass" -O tivitags.m3u
echo '#EXTM3U' >tivi.m3u
sed -i -e 's/.*tagid\///' tivitags.m3u
sed -i -e 's/\?profile\=pass//' tivitags.m3u
sed -i -e 's/#EXTINF:-1 type=\"playlist\",//' tivitags.m3u
sed -i -e '1d' tivitags.m3u
while read line1; read line2; do
wget -q "http://<ip>:9981/playlist/tagid/$line2&auth?auth=<authtoken>&profile=pass" -O tivitemp.m3u
sed -i -e 's/profile\=pass/auth=<authtoken>\&profile\=pass/g' tivitemp.m3u
sed -i -e 's/tvg-chno/group-title\='\""$line1"\"' tvg-chno/g' tivitemp.m3u
sed -n 2,10000p tivitemp.m3u >>tivi.m3u
done < "tivitags.m3u"
sed -i -e 's/tvg-chno\ /\& /' tivi.m3u
rm -f tivitemp.m3u tivitags.m3u