


Feature #4347

add iptv streams (e.g. m3u playlist) without scans for services

Added by jody gugelhop almost 8 years ago. Updated almost 8 years ago.

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Currently when adding a e.g. m3u playlist from an iptv provider, tvh needs to scan through the list (checking for input/signal) and only after that adds it as a service to the list as a channel.
The desired behaviour would be to able to add the services/channels without doing the scan/check for a signal.
There are several threads on the forum describing the issue with the current way tvh works, thus this feature request (more links to other threads in the post)


Feature #4144: Adding m3u file without mux checkingRejected




Updated by Mark Clarkstone almost 8 years ago

jody gugelhop wrote:

.. snip ..

See Automatic_IPTV_Network & report back if that doesn't work.


Updated by Giuseppe Sicilia almost 8 years ago

For me it doesnt work. I get services without scan, but if i map channels, they dont work at all.
I tested same provider two times.

With scanning muxes -> get services from working channels -> map channels: channels are ok, stream ok

Without scan -> service id = 0 and create without scan -> mapped channel (same like above), stream doesnt work

Its a bug?

I found one thread with same issue:

I will check if there exists one reported bug.


Updated by Andreas Fornberg almost 8 years ago

service id = 1 creates the services but you can't play them until it's scanned.
I agree that this should be changed and automatic use network id you have set too.
An option to automatic mapping channels after scan would be nice too.


Updated by Mark Clarkstone almost 8 years ago

Seems there is a bug here, from my testing..

  • Services won't play at all unless scanned first, regardless of Service ID (whether it's correct or not).
  • To get the services to play (using the services play link) the service must be played using the mux play link first otherwise it results in an invalid service.

A possible (and maybe horrible) solution would be just to redirect to the mux links?


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela almost 8 years ago

If the 'Service ID' is correct, the tvh will fail for the first playback (HTTP) and the second should be fine. For Kodi (HTSP), it should be fine, because this protocol allows to send the stream reconfigure info. I need to check.


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela almost 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Fixed

Applied in changeset commit:tvheadend|f156a38f6150353e4177b8b3691fedce5c7ec1aa.


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela almost 8 years ago

OK, it seems that the detection of the service without any other parameters than 'Service ID' was a bit lost (probably SAT>IP server related changes). It's now back. v4.3-34-gf156a38


Updated by Andreas Fornberg almost 8 years ago

I think this would be good to backport to 4.2 stable branch.


Updated by Giuseppe Sicilia almost 8 years ago

Thanks for your great work. Since i'm interested in Tvheadend i found so many threads where you'are answering/working.
Im not a really noob. But without Experts like you i would be caged in some beta non-free software.


Updated by Bert Haverkamp almost 8 years ago

Thanks for the solution!
Has this patch been backported to the 4.2 branch as wel now?
I would like to use it on a production system.(withouth having the patience to wait for the next release:) )


Updated by Andreas Fornberg almost 8 years ago

Yes this is backported to 4.2 now


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela almost 8 years ago

It's in 4.2.2.

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