


Bug #4261

2 different channels, on different frequencies, both with same tsid scanning in as same channel/service

Added by Patrick Charette almost 8 years ago. Updated about 4 years ago.

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in my area there are 2 different channels, on different frequencies, both with same tsid
they are scanning in as same channel/service with the name and channel virtual# showing up as the correct info for last one scanned
ex. chan a 2.1 and chan b 5.1
if a is scanned last both are called chan a and both have 34.1
if b is scanned last both are called chan b and both have 40.1

both channels have an invalid tsid of "1" that both providers refuse to correct
as a workarround you can individually change the display value and display #
but the scanned value remains the same

Mediaportal and DVBlink have found a way to addressed this issue a few years ago
when tsid is the same but frequncy is different it ignores the fact that the tsid matches and creates them as separate and pulls in the correct info
i can see there is already an option for Accept zero value for TSID but i dont think thats the same thing
plus my tsid is 1

i have enabled
EIT - skip TSID check
but it does not help

i have attached 2 screenshots
muxes and services showing the duplicated values and the manually corrected channel name


services.JPG (231 KB) services.JPG Patrick Charette, 2017-03-03 23:00
muxes.jpg (270 KB) muxes.jpg Patrick Charette, 2017-03-03 23:00



Updated by Jaroslav Kysela almost 8 years ago

  • Target version set to 4.4

Updated by Flole Systems about 4 years ago

  • Target version changed from 4.4 to 4.6

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