Feature #4036
Change automatically adapter when errors
I have at the moment 4 of MyGica T230 which does not work well because of regular "collapsing". There are some Linux driver issues why they do not awake from passive mode as they should. When adapter wake up "cranky" it makes nothing but errors. Like >1m errors in a hour = 15k errors in minute.
My suggestion is that when TVH sees this bad mood waking up and there are free adapters available it would automatically change recording to use that free adapter. Stop and go. It is useless to record those 1m errors when in 10-15 secs there are already 3k errors. And actually huge error count mess up the next records too with the same adapter.
This prosedure actually already works manually simply by disabling the faulty adapter from UI at any part of the recording and the system then automatically change to next free adapter and recording goes on. But it needs me to check from UI how the recording starts/goes. Is it possible for TVH to simply check the error count after first 20-30 secs and if there are >100 errors just automatically change the adapter to next free one. That prevents adapters' messing up the record when it wakes up in a bad mood.
Updated by Mark Clarkstone about 8 years ago
Zachary Gambler wrote:
I have at the moment 4 of MyGica T230 which does not work well because of regular "collapsing". There are some Linux driver issues why they do not awake from passive mode as they should. When adapter wake up "cranky" it makes nothing but errors. Like >1m errors in a hour = 15k errors in minute.
Glad I'm not the only one experiencing this with the Si21** based tuners! Only solution I found to reduce the number of times this happens is to disable "power save" and set "retune" to 2.
Also, looks like there's a new firmware out 4.0.25 here
If you could give that a try and see if that's any better & let us know that would be great! I can't at the moment as I'm on a mobile connection.
My suggestion is that when TVH sees this bad mood waking up and there are free adapters available it would automatically change recording to use that free adapter. Stop and go. It is useless to record those 1m errors when in 10-15 secs there are already 3k errors. And actually huge error count mess up the next records too with the same adapter.
This prosedure actually already works manually simply by disabling the faulty adapter from UI at any part of the recording and the system then automatically change to next free adapter and recording goes on. But it needs me to check from UI how the recording starts/goes. Is it possible for TVH to simply check the error count after first 20-30 secs and if there are >100 errors just automatically change the adapter to next free one. That prevents adapters' messing up the record when it wakes up in a bad mood.
Updated by Zac Daman about 8 years ago
Thanks Mark for the answer.
Mark Clarkstone wrote:
Glad I'm not the only one experiencing this with the Si21** based tuners! Only solution I found to reduce the number of times this happens is to disable "power save" and set "retune" to 2.
Believe me I have tried all tricks I can found and still the problem remains. Power save is off, retune tried all 2-4, inputbuffer=188000/.../max, initial/idle scan on/off, ...
What I just recalled is that previously I used OE in DVBC mode and I practically never had troubles with these sticks. When I changed to DVBT and LE the troubles begun. I have not tested if OE still works as platform but LE is just forked on from OE and therefore should use the same basis (right?).
I have tried with different USB hubs and all the combinations of software/hardware changes to solve the issue. It still remain. LE/Mint/Ubuntu/Lubuntu/Debian + TVH still do the same issue = zillion errors with cranky adapter(s). The error goes temporarily away when computer powered off and changed USB port(s). After than 1-2 days and one or more adapters start to push s...t to recordings.
Also, looks like there's a new firmware out 4.0.25 here
I have tried all of them. Antti/Olli actually revised the firmwares and made other the other changes because my constant whining about the sticks Anyways 4.0.25 fw still use cxusb drivers and there are FIFO issues with them (?). I think Antti changed them to use dvbsky drivers but they are included to the newer kernel (4.8?). LE use an older one.
My suggestion is that when TVH sees this bad mood waking up and there are free adapters available it would automatically change recording to use that free adapter. Stop and go. It is useless to record those 1m errors when in 10-15 secs there are already 3k errors. And actually huge error count mess up the next records too with the same adapter.
Even thou this issue would be fixed later on I think this automatic tuner change feature would be very useful if there are included in the tuner set not-so-good adapters or there is a thing like a kiddo yanks off the TV cable from an adapter without me to notice it. Until so if you could add this auto-change feature it would be really nice.