


Bug #3941

Descrambler Conflict HD+ CAID 098C and 1830

Added by over drive over 8 years ago. Updated almost 8 years ago.

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there is a problem with descrambling of the German Privat HD channels like Pro7 HD, RTL HD, Vox HD, aso. when these channels will be descrambled with an extra HD+ Smartcard which use another CAID then 098C.

For example:
If you switch to one of this channels TVH sends the ECM request to oscam and everything is fine if you use the CAID 098C for descrambling.
But if you use another Card/CAID for descrambling the HD+ Channels (in my case the CAID 1830) then TVH stopps to send the requests (see log).

2016-08-17 19:49:52.718 TS: Sat HL/12574.25H/DMAX HD: TELETEXT #34 Continuity counter error (total 5)
2016-08-17 19:49:59.657 TS: Sat HL/12574.25H/DMAX HD: H264
#767 Continuity counter error (total 580)
2016-08-17 19:49:59.657 TS: Sat HL/12574.25H/DMAX HD: AC3 #771 Continuity counter error (total 583)
2016-08-17 19:50:02.781 descrambler: cannot decode packets for service "DMAX HD"
2016-08-17 19:50:02.960 TS: Sat HL/12574.25H/DMAX HD: TELETEXT
#34 Continuity counter error (total 776)
2016-08-17 19:50:09.764 TS: Sat HL/12574.25H/DMAX HD: H264 #767 Continuity counter error (total 770)
2016-08-17 19:50:09.764 TS: Sat HL/12574.25H/DMAX HD: AC3
#771 Continuity counter error (total 776)
2016-08-17 19:50:12.778 descrambler: cannot decode packets for service "DMAX HD"

After a hint, i do some settings in TVH
Configuration->Stream->CA Stream Filters

Stream type: CA
CA identification: 098c - NDS
CA provider:ANY
Service: Sat HL/12574.25H/DMAX HD
Stream index: 0
PID: 0
Comment: HD+

With these settings the descrambling doesn`t stop an everything works fine.

So it seems that on this HD+ channels TVH have problems to send a descrambling request to OSCAM, if the stream includes the CAID 098C.

I hope i explained the problem in an understandable way.





Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 8 years ago

Provide, '--trace descrambler,cwc' log.


Updated by over drive over 8 years ago

And here the log for DMAX here you can see that TVH sometimes do the magic and sometimes not.


Updated by Chris master over 8 years ago

over drive wrote:

And here the log for DMAX here you can see that TVH sometimes do the magic and sometimes not.

i had the same problem

use stable version not master


Updated by over drive over 8 years ago

I dont think this is the same problem.

And like i told you if you use two cards for descrambling you have to make the right settings in Oscam at the dvpapi section.
No need to change version or use newcamd.


Updated by Chris master over 8 years ago

i had same problem on DMAX HD, TLC HD, NTV HD
connected over newcamd and had many descramble erros on this channels.

after change on stable version i have no problems, all channels work without any descramble errors.
And i change nothing in my oscam


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 8 years ago

Please, follow the traces link in comment 1 and read again bold words. The log will be big!


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela almost 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

No further response.

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