Bug #394
punctuations epg for the channels in French is not good (encoding?)
here's what gives me the epg : lØgendes, dont la biodiversitØ est Ω lui seul un continent vierge Ω dØcouvrir
here's what the EPG should give me a true: légendes, dont la biodiversité est à lui seul un continent vierge à découvrir
Updated by Martin Mrvka almost 14 years ago
tvheadend converts strings to utf8 based on the dvb charset information.
If no charset information is provided by the epg provider, it assumes the standard ISO6937 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_6937). If the provider encodes standard with a different charset (e.g. ISO8859-1), then this behavior happens. It's a fault of the epg provider.
For example:
Your EPG provider sends a ISO8859-1 encoded é (which is 0xE9), but doesn't provide any charset information. So tvheadend assumes ISO6937 as charset and in ISO6937, the byte 0xE9 points to the character Ø.
Updated by Andreas Smas almost 14 years ago
- Category set to DVB
- Status changed from New to Fixed
- Assignee set to Andreas Smas
- Target version set to 2.13
Fixed (thanks to Martin Mrvka) in commit:fa941ddcb