


Feature #3674

New HTSP method to update/refresh a recording entry

Added by Steve Black almost 9 years ago. Updated almost 9 years ago.

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I would like to have a method(s) available to do one or both of the following:
a) Update and existing recording log file to change the name/location of a moved recording file
b) Force TVH to reload the recording file to reevaluate for "missing file" status

I have a script that moves/renames recordings into my Kodi library, thus "breaking" the recoding in TVH. I am already using fgrep & sed to update the log file with the new name. though not as robustly as I would like. A method to have TVH update the log would be more robust, but a method to force a refresh of the log file so as to move the recording back to the Finished tab would be helpful.

I have looked at the existing HTSP doc and do not see an existing method for this purpose. If I have missed something, guidance would be appreciated.

BTW: I HAVE considered the idea of simply pointing Kodi to my recordings location, but unfortunately EPG show and episode naming is frequently not accurate enough for scraping. Renaming with filebot greatly alleviates this problem.

BTW#2: A simple change to have TVH refresh the recording entry from the log file after PostProcessing would actually solve my immediate problem. I will submit a separate issue for that.



Updated by Steve Black almost 9 years ago

This Issue is related to #2675 - Refresh recording entry after completion of PostProcessing script


Updated by Steve Black almost 9 years ago

Sorry -#3675

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