Bug #3645
DVR Episode no is not matched with EPG data
In case that EPG data is season 2 episode 4
DVR filename become season 3 episode 5
I don't know it was fixed in latest git version
Updated by lethis kwsk over 8 years ago
It is from XMLTV sock
tag is <episode-num system="xmltv_ns">int.int.</episode-num>
Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 8 years ago
You may refer to xmltv.dtd : http://xmltv.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/xmltv/xmltv/xmltv.dtd , look for 'Episode number' line and paragraphs bellow. The indexes are from zero, so adding one seems correct.
Updated by lethis kwsk over 8 years ago
OK, I refered xmltv.dtd as you linked
But, episode number of EPG tab is same as number of XML ( indexed from one )
Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 8 years ago
No, the format is S.E.P/T (S=serie,E=episode,P=part,T=total episodes). Only the total count (T) is fine, other numbers are minus one:
xmltv_ns: This is intended to be a general way to number episodes and
parts of multi-part episodes. It is three numbers separated by dots,
the first is the series or season, the second the episode number
within that series, and the third the part number, if the programme is
part of a two-parter. All these numbers are indexed from zero, and
they can be given in the form 'X/Y' to show series X out of Y series
made, or episode X out of Y episodes in this series, or part X of a
Y-part episode. If any of these aren't known they can be omitted.
You can put spaces whereever you like to make things easier to read.
Some examples will make things clearer. The first episode of the
second series is '1.0.0/1' . If it were a two-part episode, then the
first half would be '1.0.0/2' and the second half '1.0.1/2'. If you
know that an episode is from the first season, but you don't know
which episode it is or whether it is part of a multiparter, you could
give the episode-num as '0..'. Here the second and third numbers have
been omitted. If you know that this is the first part of a three-part
episode, which is the last episode of the first series of thirteen,
its number would be '0 . 12/13 . 0/3'. The series number is just '0'
because you don't know how many series there are in total - perhaps
the show is still being made!