


Feature #3472

Keep interlacing on the transcoding output when resolution is same as input

Added by Sven Andersson about 9 years ago. Updated about 9 years ago.

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all my input sources are in 576i 25Hz, and I want to transcode them and keep the resolution in tvheadend, BUT all presets deinterlace the output, I want to keep the interlacing as it works better for my setup. Like the -ilme ffmpeg variable, so input 576i mpeg2 to 576i h264 output is what I want in the end, is there a way to have a setting for that in tvheadend so I can keep it interlaced ?



Updated by Phil Uithoven about 9 years ago

I would like to support this feature, and add on to it a little.

The above suggested option to maintain the interlacing would be great to be able to transcode from mpeg2 -> h.264 but keep the resolution & framerate the same without losing temporal resolution. This way, on my clients, I'm able to use their high quality deinterlacing with doubling the framerate to give better quality output.

What I'd like to add to this is another option so that when deinterlacing is used before a scaling, allow us to use the yadif x2 mode to double the framerate before the re-encode. So if going from 1080i30 to 720p it can be in 60hz instead of 30hz, thereby making the motion better.

Compare the output of ffmpeg's yadif filter with "-vf yadif=mode=0" vs. "-vf yadif=mode=1" and you'll notice a big difference anytime there's rapid motion/panning (especially think of sports).


Updated by Sven Andersson about 9 years ago

Thanks, I found out skycaster have this feature we want

You can look at 7:30 mark, in that video they use 576i 25fps and don't use deinterlacing, a simple checkbox the way it should be :)

But I rather use TVHeadend because it have everything I need and I like the UI.

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