


Feature #3421

Feature #3113: Sort services by update time (was: Update mapped channels when changes occur to the linked service.)

Services cleanup

Added by Rafal Kupiec about 9 years ago. Updated about 9 years ago.

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I realized that old services are not being removed, ex in case of service movement between transponders.
This means that the older tvh installation is and the more changes are being done on trnasponders, then the more trash is being displayed on 'Services' tab.

Please implement the feature that will remove already non-existen (removed from TP) services that are not mapped to channels during next periodical scan. This could be implemented as an optional feature that could be enabled per network.



Updated by Rafal Kupiec about 9 years ago

Please also implement a 'Clean' button on Services tab, for manual removal.


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela about 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected
  • Parent task set to #3113

It's not easy to determine if the service is just temporary disabled or removed permanently. You may enable "last seen" column, sort the services using this column and remove manually ones you think that they are dead.

The button is a dup of #3113 .


Updated by Rafal Kupiec about 9 years ago

I have 2 TVH installations, both using the same MUXes from 13E.
On one of them (older one) there is about twice services like o the new one.

I think it should prepare a list of discovered services during scan and compare to saved list.
Then iterate on saved services and if some service was not discovered during current scan and is not mapped to any channel - it should be deleted.

I don't see any reason for keeping them, if they are not mapped and not discovered.


Updated by Rafal Kupiec about 9 years ago

Also doesn't look like a duplicate for me.


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela about 9 years ago

You don't take in accout that the mux tuning might fail or the reception is not good so the removal logic might be more aggresive than users expects. I prefer manual actions here. The global 'Clean' action as you propose might also cause more issues than the service sorting using the last seen date and manual deletion. At least, the administrator is reponsible for failures.


Updated by B C about 9 years ago

what about deleting only when the TS scans without errors? I have never seen disabled services been removed from the PAT, so everything not beeing in the PAT should be save to remove

just my $.02


Updated by B C about 9 years ago

to be clear, PAT scan is CRC free --> delete all services not in PAT


Updated by Rafal Kupiec about 9 years ago

First of all, I proposed this as an optional feature, enabled per network. So if you dont have broken drivers and good signal quality, there should not be a problems.

Also, if service is not mapped to channel it still should be safe to delete it. In any case it could be readded during next scan. User should not notice it as it is not mapped, so all channels should be still working.


Updated by B C about 9 years ago

one more idea, don't delete them, flag them for deletion and add a button to clear these. Actually last seen is fine if you always scan all muxes, but with a moving dish you don't do that regulary. I suggested a last tried field when I originally bagged for the last seen column, without it it is hard to tell when the last scan was done, and even with it you can't say if tuning failed. Enigma2 deletes all services it does not find in the PAT if tuning was successfull BTW.


Updated by Rafal Kupiec about 9 years ago

Original idea was to delete them during scan. If scan was completed w/o errors and any services was found, then it should delete old services that has been found in the past but are actually not available. Enigma2 is a good example, very popular and no-one complains.


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela about 9 years ago

In Enigma2, you may select, if services are removed before scan or merged. This solution is also not perfect, because some providers removes some services from the SI tables which are broadcasted only in a time window (like 8pm - 23pm), so they should be kept even if you do the scan outside this time window.


Updated by Rafal Kupiec about 9 years ago

Jaroslav Kysela wrote:

In Enigma2, you may select, if services are removed before scan or merged. This solution is also not perfect, because some providers removes some services from the SI tables which are broadcasted only in a time window (like 8pm - 23pm), so they should be kept even if you do the scan outside this time window.

Great. If this service is valuable for you, most probably its mapped to channel.
If does, it should NOT be removed. Otherwise, even if it is a working service, no-one watches it and I believe no-one will ever notice it has been removed.


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela about 9 years ago

Yes, most probably it's mapped or it is not. Some TVH users do the direct service streaming without mapping to the channel. These auto things are dangerous, but I'm not saying that I don't include the possible code updates in this area from other developers to the code. I have planty of other things to do...


Updated by Rafal Kupiec about 9 years ago

Jaroslav Kysela wrote:

Yes, most probably it's mapped or it is not. Some TVH users do the direct service streaming without mapping to the channel. These auto things are dangerous, but I'm not saying that I don't include the possible code updates in this area from other developers to the code. I have planty of other things to do...

Still... as I already wrote, this feature should be optional with ability to enable/disable it per network.
No-one would be forced to use it.


Updated by Rafal Kupiec about 9 years ago

For example I got great DVB-S signal strength, but broken DVB-T drivers, so I would enable it only for satellite.


Updated by Rafal Kupiec about 9 years ago

Jaroslav Kysela: Could you change a status of this feature request from Rejected?

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