


Bug #3281

Use m3u-duration as channel number

Added by Adrien CLERC over 9 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

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With Freebox TV bouquet, the m3u is providing channel number using the m3u duration attribute:

#EXTINF:2,France 2 HD

This is non-standard, but since m3u-duration is already parsed by the new misc/m3u.c, could it be used by iptv_auto.c when creating channels?



Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 9 years ago

  • Category changed from Parsers to IPTV

Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 9 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Andreas Smas to Jaroslav Kysela

Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 9 years ago

The channel numbers ends with ? Is something else in the .m3u list which can identify this?


Updated by Jelly Frog over 9 years ago

This or some other way to specify channel number in m3u would be nice.

Without knowing any C, wouldn't it work to do something like:

diff --git a/src/input/mpegts/iptv/iptv_auto.c b/src/input/mpegts/iptv/iptv_auto.c
index ff86d79..f289990 100644
--- a/src/input/mpegts/iptv/iptv_auto.c
+++ b/src/input/mpegts/iptv/iptv_auto.c
@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ iptv_auto_network_process_m3u_item(iptv_network_t *in,
       chnum += *total;
       chnum += (int64_t)*total * CHANNEL_SPLIT;
+  } else {
+    chnum = htsmsg_get_s64_or_default(item, "m3u-duration", 0);

   name = htsmsg_get_str(item, "m3u-name");


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 9 years ago

The source for duration is correct, but the above patch isn't. It won't allow to add a custom offset to the channel numbers. Perhaps, adding a string match for in URL might solve this. I would like to add rather a custom attribute line 'tvh_chnum' to the m3u parser, so users might create own lists with the correct information.


Updated by Adrien CLERC over 9 years ago

Either a tvh_chnum, or an option in the IPTV auto network to parse m3u duration as channel number.
The second solution involves zero modification of the m3u. However, having a simple script that modifies the original m3u is not a real issue. This m3u is modified at most twice a year, so updating it is not an issue.

I think that having a special rule for some hosts (like is not a good idea. Or at least, it shouldn't be hardcoded in C code.


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Fixed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Applied in changeset commit:tvheadend|bafa61277c3a5ba7178bca05a2e2f702a013b246.


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 9 years ago

Added tvh-chnum m3u attribute parsing in v4.1-960-gbafa612 .


#EXTINF:3 tvg-id="ct1" tvh-chnum=10.1,CT 1 HD

Note: The number after dot is minor part of the number (ATSC notation is also supported!).


Updated by Adrien CLERC over 9 years ago



Updated by B C over 9 years ago

this is not working for me, with this syntax I don't even get the Service name into tvh.
and would it be possible to tag the channel based on another parameter?


Updated by B C over 9 years ago

ok, forgot putting tvh-chnum in "", so I have at least my names back. Still I cannot see any channel number


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 9 years ago

The parsing without "" is fixed in v4.1-964-g7173bba . I see the channel number in the mux settings.


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 9 years ago

Mapping works too. The IPTV channel numbers are not visible in the service grid.

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