Bug #3279
updating (fastscan) bouquet
Approximate a month my provider changes it's bouquet (fastscan list), usually channels are changed from frequency or symbol rate is changed etc.
Normally channel numbers and names stay the same.
Updates are processed fine, I don't have to do anything when for example the mux for channel "VTM HD" changes.
The channel stays at number 3 and the frequency gets updated automatically.
Now the problem, when channels are updated, old channels are placed on the end of the channel list..
i.e. 'VTM HD' is now available on channel 3 as it should and on the and of the list at number 960.
The one on the end is not working as it contains the old service.
After some time I end up with hundreds of non working channels on number 960..
Is it possible to just update the channel and not create a new one?
In this way the channel id would stay the same and we don't have these duplicates.
We can do this if the channel name and channel number in the bouquet stay the same?
Updated by Jaroslav Kysela almost 9 years ago
The bouquet automatic channels are removed when the associated service is removed now: v4.1-825-gea82d9f . So it should be sufficient to remove the dead services.
Updated by glenn ch almost 9 years ago
Thanks, but what about dvr/autorec and timerec, will they still work after the bouquet update or will they still point to the old removed channel?
It's hard to test this over a short period of time as I've to wait on an update :p
Maybe a channel update fits better than a removal and add it back (with the new service)?