Bug #3170
iptv muxes in last tvheadend (from git)
TVH updated from git.
in the pvr.hts addon in kodi sound disappeared when playing IPTV mux.
in tvh 4.06 everything is worked.
pvr.hts addon and kodi also from the git installed.
Updated by Njuskalo Njusko over 9 years ago
Dan Poz wrote:
TVH updated from git.
in the pvr.hts addon in kodi sound disappeared when playing IPTV mux.
in tvh 4.06 everything is worked.
pvr.hts addon and kodi also from the git installed.
same here with all subsequent builds after 4.1-589~g1d62c3a.
using pipe / ffmpeg with acodec and vcodec copy, probaly tvh is not parsing the audio codec info to kodi ?
acodec aac no longer works (it used to up to 589)
sometimes acodec ac3 or mp2 helps.
Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 9 years ago
Provide 20 seconds of your input (grab the .ts data through the play url in the mux grid).
Updated by Njuskalo Njusko over 9 years ago
There's a problem with Kodi. Sound is working when streaming to VLC. Tried both 15.2RC3 and 16 nightly (Mac). Latest tvheadend build that has no sound problems with Kodi is 4.1-589~g1d62c3a. Installed on a standalone Ubuntu 14.04 box.
Updated by Dan Poz over 9 years ago
Njuskalo Njusko wrote:
There's a problem with Kodi. Sound is working when streaming to VLC. Tried both 15.2RC3 and 16 nightly (Mac). Latest tvheadend build that has no sound problems with Kodi is 4.1-589~g1d62c3a. Installed on a standalone Ubuntu 14.04 box.
Yes, VLC plays. with bugs Kodi sent me here, where I first posted it.
Updated by Njuskalo Njusko over 9 years ago
Dan Poz wrote:
Only it is not clear why in the TVH 4.06 works?
Can you try 4.1-589~g1d62c3a and post results please ?
Updated by Dan Poz over 9 years ago
Njuskalo Njusko wrote:
Dan Poz wrote:
Only it is not clear why in the TVH 4.06 works?
Can you try 4.1-589~g1d62c3a and post results please ?
now HTS Tvheadend 4.1-650~g500e547, same results.
Updated by Dan Poz over 9 years ago
Jaroslav Kysela wrote:
Does VLC play using the matroska muxer ?
Index PID Type Language Details
0x081e / 2078 PCR
0x0820 / 2080 PMT
1 0x081e / 2078 H264
2 0x081f / 2079 AAC-LATM eng
After filtering and reordering (without PCR and PMT)
Index PID Type Language Details
1 0x081e / 2078 H264
2 0x081f / 2079 AAC-LATM eng
Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 9 years ago
I can do nothing with this infomation. Select the matroska streaming profile as default for the quick test (you should see 'profile="matroska"' in subscription log).
Updated by Njuskalo Njusko over 9 years ago
Jaroslav Kysela wrote:
I can do nothing with this infomation. Select the matroska streaming profile as default for the quick test (you should see 'profile="matroska"' in subscription log).
2015-10-19 11:41:06.965 mpegts: select.m3u - NOVA TV - NOVA TV in moja - tuning on IPTV 2015-10-19 11:41:06.969 subscription: 0086: "HTTP" subscribing on channel "NOVA TV - NOVA TV", weight: 100, adapter: "IPTV", network: "moja", mux: "select.m3u - NOVA TV - NOVA TV", service: "NOVA TV - NOVA TV", profile="matroska", hostname="", client="VLC/2.2.1 LibVLC/2.2.1" 2015-10-19 11:41:11.780 parser: The timediff for MPEG2AUDIO is big (989406), using current dts 2015-10-19 11:41:29.067 parser: transport stream MPEG2AUDIO, DTS discontinuity. DTS = 1763265, last = 0 2015-10-19 11:41:55.922 parser: transport stream MPEG2AUDIO, DTS discontinuity. DTS = 4229486, last = 1763265 2015-10-19 11:42:06.160 subscription: 0086: "HTTP" unsubscribing from "NOVA TV - NOVA TV", hostname="", client="VLC/2.2.1 LibVLC/2.2.1"
No audio in VLC using matroska profile
Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 9 years ago
Fine, then follow my comment#2 and grab the input .ts stream to a file and upload it here, so I can simulate your input in my development environment.
Updated by Njuskalo Njusko over 9 years ago
Jaroslav Kysela wrote:
Fine, then follow my comment#2 and grab the input .ts stream to a file and upload it here, so I can simulate your input in my development environment.
Captured via VLC, hope this is ok ?
Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 9 years ago
This file has only video. I need the original stream which is received by tvh. Use the play link in the mux grid - copy url to clipboard and paste it to 'wget' or 'curl'
wget -O a.ts <mux_url>
Updated by Njuskalo Njusko over 9 years ago
Jaroslav Kysela wrote:
This file has only video. I need the original stream which is received by tvh. Use the play link in the mux grid - copy url to clipboard and paste it to 'wget' or 'curl'
Here it is https://www.dropbox.com/s/df2enztj1i1xyzs/a.ts?dl=0
Updated by Njuskalo Njusko over 9 years ago
Here is another case with pie /ffmpeg
2015-10-19 14:05:51.505 mpegts: pipe:///usr/bin/ffmpeg -loglevel fatal -re -i http://xxx.m3u8 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -metadata service_provider=IPTV -metadata service_name=xxx -tune zerolatency -f mpegts pipe:1 - tuning on IPTV 2015-10-19 14:05:51.508 subscription: 00B7: "HTTP" subscribing on channel “xxx”, weight: 100, adapter: "IPTV", network: “xxx”, mux: "pipe:///usr/bin/ffmpeg -loglevel fatal -re -i http://xxx.m3u8 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -metadata service_provider=IPTV -metadata service_name=xxx -tune zerolatency -f mpegts pipe:1", provider: "IPTV", service: “xxx”, profile="matroska", hostname="", client="VLC/2.2.1 LibVLC/2.2.1" 2015-10-19 14:05:51.511 spawn: Executing "/usr/bin/ffmpeg" 2015-10-19 14:06:00.313 parser: transport stream AAC-LATM, DTS discontinuity. DTS = 742560, last = 76320 2015-10-19 14:06:03.157 parser: transport stream AAC-LATM, DTS discontinuity. DTS = 990240, last = 742560 2015-10-19 14:06:10.152 parser: transport stream AAC-LATM, DTS discontinuity. DTS = 1618080, last = 1013280 2015-10-19 14:06:15.524 parser: transport stream AAC-LATM, DTS discontinuity. DTS = 2107680, last = 1618080 2015-10-19 14:06:19.840 parser: transport stream AAC-LATM, DTS discontinuity. DTS = 2497440, last = 2124960
Link to .ts https://www.dropbox.com/s/951j9gpthrb58nv/b.ts?dl=0
Updated by Dan Poz over 9 years ago
Njuskalo Njusko wrote:
Using 4.1-656~g3bbcdfa btw
profile matroska is not included. i set checkbox matroska by default, no effect.
2015-10-19 21:50:17.269 subscription: 00CD: "HTTP" subscribing to mux "MTV Dance", weight: 10, adapter: "IPTV", network: "IPTV", service: "Raw PID Subscription", hostname="", client="VLC/2.2.2 LibVLC/2.2.2"
and kodi without htsp do not run.
2015-10-19 21:55:13.437 htsp: unable to create profile chain 'matroska'
Updated by Dan Poz over 9 years ago
Njuskalo Njusko wrote:
Using 4.1-656~g3bbcdfa btw
VCL launched with matroska, no sound
2015-10-19 22:56:21.001 subscription: 00D9: "HTTP" subscribing on channel "MTV Dance", weight: 125, adapter: "IPTV", network: "IPTV", mux: "MTV Dance", service: "MTV Dance", profile="matroska", hostname="", client="VLC/2.2.2 LibVLC/2.2.2"
2015-10-19 22:56:26.369 parser: The timediff for AAC-LATM is big (278400), using current dts
Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 9 years ago
The audio issue from TS stream from comment#15 was fixed v4.1-662-g2e3dfb6 . It NEVER worked.
Updated by Njuskalo Njusko over 9 years ago
Jaroslav Kysela wrote:
AAC audio should be fixed in v4.1-663-gd35db94 .
Thanks, will try and post results.
Updated by Dan Poz over 9 years ago
Jaroslav Kysela wrote:
AAC audio should be fixed in v4.1-663-gd35db94 .
Thanks, everything is working